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neil foster
93 articles

Oldies but goodies........

April 8, 2023 · in Uncategorized · · 15 · 483

Here are some of my vintage kits, all and all very old mouldings, according to the time line on Scalemates they are dated as follows;

Handley page Hampden 1968

Boeing Clipper 1967

HMS Victorious 1959

The Victorious is older than me by seven years ! and yet they all build up into decent kits, can anyone beat 1959 ?

Cheers to you all and enjoy your Easter

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. These are wonderful builds, Neil!
    Thanks for sharing those beauties!

  2. Love the clipper, built one as a kid. Yours looks great!

  3. Great collection!

  4. Excellent builds all.

  5. I love seeing all these old kits being brought to life instead of sitting in a closet. Good old days for sure!

    Neil, my Stombecker / Aurora TT-1 Pinto is 1958 vintage. That was a good year... 🙂

  6. Very nice Models and work. Make way for old school !

  7. A nice set of oldies, Neil @neil-foster

  8. A nice set of oldies. I've always loved the Boeing Clipper.

  9. Nice, I did the Victorious in the eighties a very nice kit. I think i have you beat as for as the oldest, my 1955 chevy truck was once my uncles,he built it way back and then gifted it to me, I've shown it here in various incarnations.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  10. Amazing that you still have the truck and she is in such good condition. My father served on HMS Victorious as a young man and was very proud of her , as ships go the Vicky as she was known is a beautiful ship with lovely lines . I remember my dad telling me they sailed into New York once and had to tie up at the side of USS Forrestal rather than at a mooring for some reason and go ashore via your navy's ship and as he ventured into that fine city for the first time and looked back to the docks and couldn't see his own ship at all because Forrestal was so much bigger !

  11. Great collection, the Boeing Clipper is an eye catcher!

  12. I got to go on board the Hermes while she was in Mayport Fla. taking part in a NATO exercise, I was actually on the Forrestal at that time .1977.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  13. Nice - like the Hampden a lot!

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