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Dennis Meyers
108 articles

A Blast from the Past, M-109 1/48 Atlantis

May 20, 2023 · in Armor · · 8 · 0.6K

In my youthful early modeling days I think I built the entire armored vehicle series. I remember them being pretty decent (for the time) easy-to-assemble kits. They were pretty enjoyable projects. I remember the M109 kit, particularly the boxart. The repops of this iconic kit are nicely done even if they don't measure up to current kits. This kit is skimpy on the detail and had a little flash. But it was fun walk down memory lane and turned out to be a good 3-foot model.

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8 responses

  1. An excellent job and a beautiful result, Dennis! You are right, the kit shows its age, but it is a wonderful walk down memory lane.
    Well done!

  2. Great performance, Dennis @dmeyers
    You clearly got the best out of this old kit.

  3. Looks great, Dennis (@dmeyers). I also have gotten and built several of these re-released kits from Atlantis. I am old enough to have built most of them when they originally came out. They really bring back a lot of memories. Thanks for posting this one.

  4. Holy cow Batman, elevating gun tube, traversing turret, plus three crew figures ! What's not to like. Nicely done Dennis, and bet you had a lot of fun building it again for the first time.

  5. Looks good from here, Dennis, it’s got guns and tracks, and it’s nicely weathered, what more do you want from a tank?

  6. Nicely done Dennis. I did one a couple of years ago. I recently did the Atlantis repop of their Japanese tank.

  7. Nicely done, I can't remember how many of those old Aurora kits I built as a kid. I am waiting fro them to come out with the Sherman or better yet the MBT-70! Thanks for sharing!

  8. You did a really excellent job bringing out the best from that kit. I have very fond memories of building Aurora kits in bygone years. They were my introduction to our hobby. You certainly proved that sometimes a “3 foot model” is a very nice model. Thank you for sharing it.

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