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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

GWH 1/48 Mig 29AS "Digital Camougflage"

May 26, 2023 · in Aviation · · 25 · 0.6K

After completing the build of this Mig 29AS, I put it on open display to examine for possible flaws. In no time, a giant mantis flew in and settled on the model. I promptly took a photograph and returned the insect back to the wild.

I guess that the mantis was disorientated than attracted to the model. Nonetheless, the camouflage scheme offered by GWH to this model is certainly eye catching. The model is relatively easy to build. So, is the large decal set to apply, Usually, the application of large decals is a tricky issue for many reasons. But, not in this case.

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome 1  5 

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. @blackmopane - Fantastic photo Rafi! Monster movie in the making right there.

  2. Thank you Brian

  3. Great model and great photo.
    I had a similar experience some time ago. I give you here a giant ant, the size of a Sea Fury.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  4. Great job on this build, Rafi.
    By the way...Good thing she didn't eat your aircraft after it's "encounter"!

  5. You’ve made a neat job of that kit, and you’re about the transfers, they work very well. I built the Tiger on the Tail version a few years ago for the Year of the Cat group build we had here.

  6. Great model and what an unusual situation! Did a dogfight happen or did the mantis give up?

  7. New Russian weapon or monster movie (Ukraine Vs The Giant Praying Mantis)?

  8. What a great paintjob on that mantis, Rafi! 🙂

  9. Used to see those critters all the time. Now, hardly ever. Great digitalis.

  10. Thank you Bill,
    Same here, unfortunately.

  11. Excellent result, Rafi @blackmopane
    At first I thought it was a toy you placed on your aircraft, insects are such amazing creatures.
    How did you apply that amazing digital scheme?

    • Thank you John,
      The decals set nicely without additional measures. Some more angular areas required cutting the decals to avoid creasing. In all, it is a very good kit.

  12. Fantastic job, Rafi!
    Now, this is a BIG mantis!

  13. Profile Photo
    said on May 26, 2023

    Beautiful job on this jet, Rafi! I've been wanting a GWH MiG-29 for myself, your build is an inspiration.

    Also, your headline photo reminds me of "Mystery Science Theater:3000".

  14. Thank you Anna!
    Enjoy your build.

  15. Looks fantastic! Wonder if they make a set of decals for 1/72...

  16. Thank you Greg.
    I believe that Foxbot Decals have schemes for the 1/72 scale

  17. That looks amazing Rafi (@blackmopane).

    I'm curious about the digital camo - did you mask and paint all of it or is it a decal in the kit. If it's painted on that would have taken a lot of time and patience!

    I'm pleased the mantis likes it too. Time to bring out the sleazy saxophone music ha ha 😀

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