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Ross Paton
31 articles

Into Storage for now.

May 11, 2023 · in Aviation · 17 · 489

Had to face up to facts. No space left. Into storage go the bulk of my 1/32 scale kits. Not becaue of any "domestic" issues I hasten to add. Neither of us wants the house full of Weapons of Mass Destruction! Indeed we often joke about my "Nazi memorobilia collection" and having to order swastikas online, no doubt raising eybrows in Secret Service circles. Because we farm I have somewhere to put them maybe to bring out again on special occasions. "Darling! would you like to show our guests your 1/32 WWII Aeroplane collection complete with historical exposition... Oh you have to leave so soon!".

Anyway, I would love to know where everyone keeps their kits. Do you have a shipping container? A redundant Cathedral?

1/48 it is!

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17 responses

  1. I just did the same thing. Moved from a large old house with a basement to a new, smaller home with no basement. We also have a small condo on the beach where I store some stuff. I had to be ruthless. Junked almost everything I built before 1990. Still working on the model room in the new place. I’ll have a little more display space when all is said and done. I’ll have zero wasted space and zero clutter.

    I’m storing some of the older ones in the attic and they seem to be holding up in the south Alabama heat. These are the boxes that I moved the collection in. 200+ models made it 960 miles with only one broken landing gear.

    2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  2. Storing kits is really challenging, Ross. I have abandoned the model storage idea long ago and keep my models in showcases, which, of course, have limited space, so they are very close to each other, with the ones at the back barely visible and so on...

  3. A pity to have to store those amazing builds, Ross @ross4
    Since my restart five years ago, I'm still able to display them but space is getting short.
    No idea yet what I will do once I need to create more space. Maybe move the less interesting ones to the attic.

  4. Most of my assembled kits are in a display cabinet, but some are kept in boxes, I swap them around occasionally as the mood takes me. Space is a problem, however.

  5. Yeah man, hearing that. Funny you post this today, just picked up 3 more shoe storage bins, to bring a bunch of the "Builts" over to the Self-Storage. Quite simply, I have too much S--t. Hate to say it but the Wife is right. Long as I'm paying for the storage unit, might as well clear space for more S--t, hahahaha. Bought 2 more at the last show. My name is Bill, and I have a problem.

    Space-a definite problem with 1/32's.

    You are worried about ordering swastika decals? How about bullets, powder etc for my reloading, for my OTHER hobby? Love to see the dossier they have on me over at DOJ.

  6. You have beautiful models.
    A decade ago I sold dozens of models in Ebay. There is a market for the models. However, the returns are meagre and sometimes do not worth the trouble of selling. I stopped because of too many complaints of model breakage. So, if you have the time and can sell locally, maybe organize local pickup, your stash will disappear in no time and you will feel pleased about it.

  7. My models are stored in one display cabinet, but as I am only building single-engined WW2 fighters in 1/72 scale I can keep cramming them in!

    • Yes similar with 1/48. I have realised that the quality of 1/48 is exquisite (especially Eduard) and superior sometimes to 1/32. As you say, they are easier to squirrel away!

  8. Thanks for the info! Definitely not alone.

  9. Ross have you ever thought about contacting local museums or places of historical interest. I have some of mine at an old WW2 airfield museum may be worth a shout 👍 Good luck your models are too good to be hidden away

    • I went into Dumfries and Galloway Aviation museum but they have got lots in storage already plus they seem to have in-house kit builders and some fabulous kits on display. That is one option though. I have done a couple of builds for friends who have aviation histories in the family which is fun.

  10. Food-for-thought: The reality is few folks other than us ever see our builds. And, honestly, how often do WE look at 'em?

    As I recall, super-prolific builder Tom Cleaver builds them and most are stored away in boxes.

    Building models is like climbing mountains...once at the peak, that one's done & behind us, now it's on to the next one.

  11. When I first got back into model building in my mid-20's, my wife politely informed me that "models will never be considered room decor." After about 2 years of building, I realized larger scales were going to be a problem, sold all my 1/48 builds to a local hobby store (for birthday cake toppers!), and went to 1/72 only. Luckily I've always had room in my office at work to store them in display cases. Not sure how long that will last, as my cabinet count is climbing, and I'm now having to start thinking about what to do at retirement. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, I reckon! (maybe a he-shed?)

  12. I do sometimes replace kits I'm not that happy with or if there's an improved version comes out.

  13. I suspect this is a situation we all reach at some point, Ross (@ross4). Like some of the others, I have all of my models in display cases in my "hobby room" upstairs. I started out with plenty of room, now everything is starting to look crowded in the cases. I will have to re-address the situation when the space in my cases goes to zero.

  14. I was ok until I retired. I have since filled two IKEA Billy Bookcases( two units deep) with glass doors and shelves) along with 6 poinsettia florist boxes Now they are getting stacked on a bookshelf. I have contacted a local museum to see if I can put aircraft there, but I have not received a reply yet.


  15. This is a situation I’m in too. I’ve given several away… but have decided to take a break from building more until attrition makes more space.

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