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Michael Drover
23 articles

Hasegawa A6M2b Zero

July 2, 2023 · in Aviation · · 19 · 405

G'day all.

Just finished this one this afternoon. It's the A6M2b from the boxing.

The interior is dressed up with a Quinta cockpit set and the roundels and tail codes are painted using masks. The cowl gun barrels were replaced with aluminium tube. This one was built for a group build on our club display.


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19 responses

  1. Excellent result on this Zero,Michael @mickdrover
    I'm sure you got a lot of positive feedback when you presented it on your club display.
    Great result on the weathering.

  2. What an incredible build on so many levels - subtle weathering, lovely various shades of green and look at that delicate canopy! Painting the Hinomarus sure makes a difference, they look perfect.

    • Thanks Felix. The photography takes away the detail, it looks much better in person. I'll paint Hinomarus or any other markings if needed, the benefits of having a Silhouette cutter.

  3. Beautiful subtle weathered finish on this Zero, I’m sure you did well in your club’s event.

  4. Excellent finish . The weathering looks perfect, very realistic. Great job.

  5. An excellent model in every respect, Michael!

  6. Yep, painted markings are the way to go. Great thin canopy frames. Overall superb.

  7. Wow, you’ve achieved a near reality rendition of a war weary late war Zero, excellent work all round, it was a labour of love no doubt. Like it a lot!

  8. Really excellent all around, as everyone else has noted. The subtlety of the paintwork is truly impressive and the restrained (realistic) weathering.

  9. Nice work, Michael (@mickdrover). Add my kudos to the others on the paint and weathering effects.

  10. Great work!

  11. The distressed paint and finish is fantastic - a great build all the way around!

  12. this is excellent. Do you have a build thread?

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