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Anthony Ricco
47 articles

39 - 1/72 Heller Alouette IIIIn a Rhodesian K-Car scheme

August 11, 2023 · in Aviation · · 32 · 1.1K

My dad was part of the Rhodesian bush war and loved the Alo III. the K-car was a gunship conversion fitted with a 20mm MG151 cannon. Inside was the pilot and gunner in the armoured seats and the Fire force commander who sat on a home made armoured seat on the floor in the front. The gun was scratch built for me by a friend and the layout changed to match the K-car.

The kit was if I can put it bluntly - AWEFUL, the canopy fit was terrible, I spent 2 days just trying to get it on, superglue, sanding, trimming, cutting, plastic glue, elastics, pressure, everything I could think of.

I've come to rename this brand HELL-er now.

You can see the build progress here -

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

32 responses

  1. Heller have made kits of wonderful subjects, but they often need a bit of TLC to complete them, you’ve made a great model out of this one.

    • Thanks so much George @chinesegeorge, I absolutely hate HELLer - but like you said they do some things that no one else does - hopefully now that they restarted they will update the molds and redo all the models with better quality

  2. Sounds like you had your own little bush war with that windscreen/canopy.
    All's well that ends well, Anthony. Nice looking chopper.

  3. Great that you finished it, Anthony! Looks superb!

  4. Well - ended up looking nice in the end! I'm finishing up a Heller J-29 kit now - they always need some updating and TLC, but sometimes they are the only game in town for certain subjects, especially in 1/72!

  5. Nice work, Anthony! This is one that I’ve always wanted in 1/48.

  6. Even though this kit fought you a lot, your persistance resulted in a nice looking Alouette III, Anthony @anthonyricco
    Very nice conversion, especially in this scale.

  7. @anthonyricco - Very cool piece Anthony. The canopy turned out great for the amount of stress it caused. The camo 'X' pattern is fantastic. I can see that pattern being applied in the field for sure.

  8. Excellent work on a difficult kit.

  9. Great story to go along with a great model. Nice job, Anthony (@anthonyricco). I have the 1/48 kit running around somewhere, and I am still trying to get the courage to tackle it.

  10. A very good result with a "not easy" kit and history I wasn't aware of. So a "double 10"

  11. Nice job on this build...not all Heller kits are pleasant builds.

  12. Hi, Anthony (@anthonyricco):
    Here are the the Alouettes that I have. Both of them are IIs.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  13. Awesome job on a tough kit! My dad also has some great stories of the SAAF & Rhodesian K-Car's. Great subject!

  14. Great effort in braille scale, matey! Takes me back to my days back in nam, Hoednam.(Hoedspruit)
    Serviced the 20mm cannons and 1947 vintage .303 Brownings used on the Allou's.

  15. Nice man - thats an interesting job man. Glad you like it was an absolute horror of a kit. Glad I managed to finish it.

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