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Brian Mennenoh
22 articles

Batch Painting 84 Space Marines

August 9, 2023 · in Figures · · 15 · 357

I had no idea when I started this project how many miniature figures I was about to paint. As I started doing a bit of research on batch painting techniques most of the suggestions were centered around working in small batches to help stay motivated. I'm not one for taking suggestions I guess, I thought I was working on around 50, so no need to worry.

The real issue with going through this many individual models and painting the same color was having to clean my brush every 15 or 20 models due to paint drying in the bristles. I started using Vallejo airbrush thinner to thin the paint instead of water which did help. Someday I will have to pick up some paint retarder to slow dry times.

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15 responses

  1. Well done, Brian (@brithebuilder). These look absolutely amazing. I can't imagine how you kept your sanity while painting all of these. I have also noticed that using water to thin acrylics like Vallejo and AK Gen 3 seem to make them dry out rather quickly. I haven't tried using acrylic thinner to thin the paints, but it sort of makes sense.

    • @gblair - Thanks George. Sanity, what's that? I'm guessing a sane person wouldn't have batch painted 84 minis at the same time. I think part of the quick drying paint issue is that I'm working in my basement with a dehumidifier running all the time. Quickly drying paint definitely has pros and cons.

  2. Wow, you’ve finished this project much quicker than I thought you would, Brian, first class result.

  3. Impressive Brian. Given the scale of some of the figures and the details sculpted into them, with your gifts and talents makes for some strong work.

  4. That's load of space Marines. Patience must be with this one.

  5. You created a fine looking army, Brian @brithebuilder
    Excellent paintwork on every single one of them.

    • @johnb - Thanks John, I appreciate it. They really do look great all together. As I was packing them up, I kept noticing little things I missed. I kept packing them up though. When they're all together, the little things aren't noticeable.

  6. Fantastic result, Brian!
    Loved following your thread!

  7. Great stuff Brian. 😊 Why do we put ourselves through this I have just started some Warlord 28mm Black Powder Napoleonic figures, why ? 😊

    • @thom - Thanks Guy, in my case it's mainly due to the mild insanity.

      In all seriousness though, it's still a lot of fun to help friends have the best looking army on the gaming table... and I like to mix things up. I couldn't just build and paint one kind of thing so the variety of painting minis for Warhammer is a nice change from the cars, planes and motorcycles I built recently.

      You should consider posting your WIP in the miniature wargaming WIP group!

  8. Nicely done Brian with excellent results on all of them!

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