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Erik Gjørup
31 articles

F-16 Group Build

August 21, 2023 · in Aviation · · 23 · 520

Always looking for interesting topics to start a new group, I come across the . The prototype was rolled out in December 1973, and first flight was the unintentional one in 1974 on January 20th with the official one following February 2nd.

Yesterday it was announced that the Netherlands and Denmark is going to donate 40+ F-16's to Ukraine, probably sparking some interest in the type here too. Due to this interesting situation I am going to start up a group soon, initially as a private group. The original plan was to launch the group in December, but for now it will be started as a private group, and be fully launched as a public group on December 1st.

Should you wish to announce a build before december, PM me and I shall be happy to enroll you in the initial private group.

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3  Awesome

23 responses

  1. Sounds like a good excuse to finally drag off the Future Projects shelf the Kinetic 1/48 F-16AM Block 15 NATO Viper with the Astra ASD-4811 decals for 323 Sqn's famous J-248 "Dirty Diana."

    Now to finish my other projects before December. I can make that deadline right?

    • Great plan! - depending on how many projects need to be finished, I think you should be able to get started on your F-16 in December. I reckon the GB will run a year or so.

  2. Great idea for a GB, Eric!

  3. Hi Erik, group builds are great, but just checking the database here, we already have at least 81 posts of the F16 here, are you sure a group build is a good idea?

    • I know it has been built quite a few times before. The simple reason for a GB is to celebrate the 50th anniversary, and in my humble opinion that is as good a reason as any to celebrate something. My last few groups has been initiated to celebrate, and i do think the F-16 is deserving a celebration, still being in production 50 years after roll-out, and still being quite useful as a front-line fighter jet. Also it has been serving, or indeed still serves in air forces all over the globe.

      So, in short, yes.

  4. I have a couple of -16 projects I've been wanting to get to, but I'll wait for the public announcement/start, as I have several in queue before I can crack open a box! Good motivation to move a -16 higher on the list...

  5. Great idea, Erik @airbum
    Will start my search for a good F16 kit. Has been a very long time since I build a modern jet fighter.

    • John, as far as I know there are quite a few kits out there both 1/72 and 1/48. No doubt there are good kits in other scales too. I even think your AF is well represented OOB too.

  6. Great idea, Erik.
    Just tried to send you a PM, but did not succeed.
    The system threw some sort of SPAM error.

    • Hi @alfred.

      Wonder what went wrong - try to send me a friendship request, then I will start to send invites to a private group initially, probably this weekend. The group will then go public in december for all to see and take part.

  7. I'm actually working through a Tamiya -CJ right now, but this is a fine excuse / reason for me to hold off on the Kinetic -MLU until later. Maybe I'll actually take it slow and try to keep my workspace clean until December, and to figure out: a) how to do a Have Glass V finish b) what camo a Ukrainian F-16MLU would actually wear (i'm secretly hoping for that blue flanker splinter scheme)

    • Will be nice additions @avispa93

      The Have Glass V finish is something that gets a lot of interest, so most likely some nice solutions will appear soon?

      As for the Ukrainian cs, most likely they will be kept in "standard" cs of the donating country? But indeed it would be great to have some sort of "digital blue".

      Looking forward to welcone you in the group when it is launched (see above)
      Happy modeling

  8. A great opportunity to get one of the F-16's out of the stash. With several about to be completed allowing room for an F-16. Count me in, now which one? Then why limit to one?

  9. Anything F-16...I'm in!

  10. Erik,
    I have several of these Monogram kits in 1/48 scale. Josh Patterson sent me enough leftover decals to build one of the Red / White / Blue prototype aircraft, then Jeff Bailey was kind enough to send me an original issue Monogram kit for the very same plane ! So you know which one I will start out with. 😉
    I have picked up a 1/48 Hasegawa Block 50 and I have a killer set of decals for the commemoration of the 9/11 attacks too.
    Count me in for both of these.
    Great idea.

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