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Marc Barris
97 articles

Iteleri Mirage III BZ 1/32 scale Part 2

August 4, 2016 · in Aviation · · 13 · 2.5K

This is how far I managed to get after my last post, needless to say I have been working late into the night having lots of fun with this build. I do a lot of Project Management work in the Congo, so when I get time off I become a hermit in my work room.

The under carriage went together quite well with a few fit problems that I managed to get sorted without much of a fuss, finished the wiring for the actuators that open and close the gear doors, some weathering and that was that.

Needless to say that when I wanted to install the under wing stores, I forgot to drill the locating holes before gluing the wing together...(S #$@*&#@!** T). So some fancy measuring and marking got the problem sorted.

The other hiccup was the kit front canopy, as you can see in the pictures I have not installed it, why you ask?, It has a crack in the middle that you can see at certain angles, so I am busy making a mold of it and I will Vacuform a new one with the main canopy. All in a day's work.

I will post the finished model as soon as its done, hope you all approve of it so far..



Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. A most impressive WIP project...the detail is outstanding, sir.

  2. Marc, not only does it look great, it looks convincing. Sometimes it's one or the other, not his one! That's the best nosewheel bay I've ever seen, bar none.
    Not that the rest isn't equally great, but...
    Ya got my vote!

  3. Looking good, Marc.

  4. Hi Marc. I concur with everyone's assessment on this one! What colour paint did you use for the "Deep Buff"? Hope you can fix the snag with the front canopy.

    • Haai Daar Morne, I used a Humbrol 63, this color was too dark, so I had a look at my reference pics and added white and a bit of yellow to get the correct color, after I painted the cammo I let the paint set for 24 Hrs, then added a filter with white spirit and 10% Burnt Umber oil paint to tone the color down and weather.
      As for the canopy, I have a mold of the full canopy from the cheetah that I will vacuform, add lead strips for the framing, that should solve the problem.

  5. Nice work

  6. Looking very nice. I like the metal staining on the rocket pods. (PS. found my water color pencils, now just have to get some white spirit, and I'm ready to try the staining technique!)

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