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Brian Barton
2 articles

My First Builds After a 20 Year Break

August 21, 2023 · in Armor · · 32 · 344

Hi Everyone! Great to meet all of you. Here are a few builds after a 20 year break. The T-26 was the first followed by the knocked out Sherman. Then the 1/35 Pz IV, the 1/48 Panther D, and last the 1/35 Stug III.

I am hungry for comments and conversation as I am a lone builder with no local buds to chat with.

Recently been dabbling with aircraft as well.


Reader reactions:
13  Awesome 1 

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32 responses

  1. How can you make such awesome builds and dioramas after a 20 years' break? They are awesome. The weathering is great.

    • Thanks Felix,
      I was pretty deep into the hobby when I was younger and had the time to get the basics down I guess. Kinda like riding a bike. The hobby has changed with new tools, paints, and aftermarket stuff and I have a lot to learn.

  2. All very nice tanks, the PzIV is to me the best of all, very good paint work and weathering. The only down remark is the one only photo for each model. The Caen vignette deserved more and bigger scope photo for example.
    Am curious to see some aircraft models too

  3. Those are some really sweet armor builds. Obviously You're not a beginner. I like your weathering/dusting style. Whose T-26? Hobby Boss?

    • Hey Bill,
      Yup. That’s the Hobby Boss kit. A bit of a dog for my first build after so long but I think it’s a cool tank. I would agree I am definitely not a beginner, but I have a lot to learn. What was considered “show” worthy back in the day no longer cuts the mustard! Ha! So I am trying to up my game.

  4. Nice work (I think) - could you post some wider-focus photos of the whole model(s)?

  5. Impressive first take after 20 years. Took me a year just to figure out the new materials available. You find this a fun and lively forum. Welcome to the asylum.

  6. That is very nice work indeed, Brian @brianbart. The models look great! I really enjoy your weathering style and the dio bases add so much too! 👍

    Oh yeah, and welcome to iModeler! 😁

  7. You do very nice work, indeed. You'll find this forum to be a great place to hang out. Welcome!

  8. Those builds are really impressive, Brian @brianbart
    You clearly did not loose your skills during the 20 years of absence.
    Welcome to this great community, you will for sure not feel lonely here.

    • Thank you John! Sounds great. I had two very close build buds years ago. One passed and the moved away. I miss the back and forth over colors, rivet counting, and history!
      Thanks for the warm welcome!

  9. Excellent builds Brian! Great that you decided to re-enter the hobby.
    Welcome aboard!

  10. Welcome to iModeler, Brian, it’s a great place, the more you put into it, the more you get out. Have a look at some of the group builds over in the “groups” section. You’re bound to find one that you like, and you would be made very welcome. Nearly forgot, your tank models look great.

  11. Welcome! And welcome back to the hobby...looks like you never left...great work, Brian.

  12. @brianbart - Very nice work Brian! The paint and weathering fit the dioramas really well.

  13. Great paint and finishing! Can’t wait to see your work once you shake off the cobwebs 😁

  14. Great work, and welcome aboard!

  15. Great armor builds Brian! A seems a lot of people have returned to model building recently. I was away from the hobby for 30+ years and I love being back. I have a penchant for WW2 armor but want to try my hand at a plane sometime.

  16. Hi DJ! Thanks! I was always an armor builder for years. My two buds were exclusively aircraft builders and they challenged me to do a plane. Granted, it’s a different kind of build, but I got into it! My best builds were a BF109 G6, an HS129, and a KI84 Frank. Shut them up. You can do it! Go for it! Keep it simple and let me know how you make out.

  17. Welcome, Brian (@brianbart). You don't really seem to have forgotten any of your skills during your hiatus. Looking forward to your future builds.

    • Shucks! Thanks George. To get philosophical for a moment, I think modeling is 80% mastery of tools, materials, and techniques. 10% is creativeness (having an eye for aesthetics). The remaining 10% is execution. Ha!
      I think I got the 80% figured out for the most part. It’s the other 20% that I struggle with. For me it’s that 20% that keeps it fresh. Always room for improvement! Thanks again!

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