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David Kopielski
75 articles

1/48 Revell AV-8B – VMA-223

September 16, 2023 · in Aviation · · 9 · 529

This build was a commission build using the 1/48 Revell/Monogram AV-8B kit. The client supported the Marine squadron VMA-223 in Afghanistan in 2011. In appreciation of his support they carried an American flag on a mission aboard and aircraft call sign “ALAMO 12”. Upon their return the American flag and a certificate were presented to him. I have been commissioned to replicate the aircraft. The client supplied the kit to use for this build.

The build itself is mostly out of the box with some scratch built add-ons. I added the front sensor pod above the nose, modified the nose, extended the tail scoop, and added the two chaff panels in the top half of the fuselage near the tail. All of the decals were made custom for this build.

You can see all the build photos and details from start to finish in my build log at:

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Cool looking Harrier, a great tribute.

  2. Nice looking advanced Harrier.

  3. A superb result, David!

  4. Excellent result, David @davids_models
    Your client will be very pleased when receiving this build.

  5. Nice work. The client will be happy.

  6. Nice work, David. The Harrier looks good in those colors.

  7. Outstanding work!

  8. Great looking Harrier, nice job!

  9. Nice build - very striking markings!

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