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Scott Nelson
133 articles

Fujimi’s A5M4 in 1/72

September 12, 2023 · in Aviation · · 13 · 400

I’ve had this one in the stash for awhile and it was an older kit when I got it. That meant the decals were not of much use as they yellowed considerably. So I masked everything on this one.

I also used a trick from Tom Cleaver to get the golden look by over spraying the natural metal with a thinned clear yellow. It’s probably a bit too golden but I very much like the look.

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15  Awesome 1 

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13 responses

  1. I noticed after posting I missed painting the headrest. I’ll fix that momentarily, lol.

  2. Excellent job, Scott! Spraying clear yellow over the NMF really works!

  3. Superb result, Scott @guitarhack5
    Great scheme and perfectly applied.
    With those results it can easily pass for a much bigger scale.

  4. She is a beauty, Scott!

  5. Love the colors! Well done, Scott

  6. I think you nailed that “gold metal” shade just right.
    Terrific work on a tiny model

  7. Beautiful work especially in this scale.

  8. Awesome results! The colors are terrific. Using paint masking instead of decals turned out really well. That must have been especially challenging in 1/72 scale. Great work.

  9. Fantastic! Using that clear yellow did the trick.

  10. That is one lovely Claude! That intricate scheme came out beautifully.

  11. A little gem! I don’t think the clear yellow is too gold. I’ve seen some modelers go full on gold.

  12. Very nice Those Fujimi kits are real nice I built a few of the Claudes too!

    really like your Golden hue scheme!


    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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