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Dan Lee
61 articles

1/48 ICM BQM-34A Firebee

November 26, 2023 · in Aviation · · 17 · 348

A nice simple model of an important drone. The Ryan BQM-34A was the first in a series of drones used for military purposes. They were used for target emulation, high and low altitude recon, ECM, E-LINT missions and defense/radar suppression during the beginning of the Cold War to the hot wars of and Iraq.

The kit also comes with a trolly.

From what I recall, the ICM kit was pretty easy to build. I used Tamiya Extra Thin cement on the interior seams and the various external bits while I used CA glue on the exterior seams to eliminate the dreaded phantom seam. As long as you follow the instructions, nothing bad is going to happen. However, I found the trolley to be a pain in the butt to assemble.

Painting the Firebee was a little more difficult as I had to spray the black areas first, then mask those off so that I could spray on white. ICM provides decals for the various sections but I preferred to paint them on instead. Next the yellow areas were painted and once dry masked again. I then sprayed on Vallejo Day Glo Orange but the coverage was terrible. Instead of being patient and spraying on more thin coats till I got good Day Glo coverage (I thought I only needed 2-3 coats, but based on later experience it would turn out I needed about 7) I got rather fed up and sprayed on MM international orange instead.

Once the paint was dry, I sprayed on Vallejo Gloss coat and put on the ICM decals. I had an issue with the mission markings which is why the model only has half the number of missions as it is supposed to have.

I used Tamiya black panel line accent to highlight the seams and add some weathering to an otherwise pristine model.

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15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Something different, and pretty cool looking! Nice build, Dan.

    • Thanks. I like that ICM produces some esoteric kits along with their usual military stuff. This is the grandaddy of all the drones we see today.

  2. Very unique subject. It turned out quite nicely.

  3. Interesting subject. Great result. @dbdlee

  4. Cool drone model, nice work. Great background on the Firebee too. I didn't realize they they were in service for so long.

  5. Fantastic job, Dan! Excellent painting!

  6. Great build, Dan @dbdlee
    Likely no one will notice it only has half of the missions present.
    Beautiful paintwork.

  7. Cool little drone, Dan, I guess we’re going to see more of these in the future.

    • Maybe. I like building some strange things. I've seen stranger kittings of real life things like the doomed/poorly designed/badly engineered Titan Submersible (but I'll pass on building one.)

  8. Great job, Dan (@dbdlee). Painting and checkerboard are very nice.

  9. A very nice unusual subject

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