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Robert Royes
257 articles

A worried rant.

November 17, 2023 · in Uncategorized · 19 · 425

I hope this doesn't come as being political, but I'm worried, I was brought up during the cold war. Under the threat of total nuclear annihilation, That was "my war ", So after forty or so years they were able to dial it back a bit, not constantly aiming those Revelations inducing items at each other. But Noooooooooo. The genie was out of the bottle everyone wanted a nuke, "see, look what I got, be careful or I'll use it on you.!" I don't recall it being tossed around in the media and politicians the possibility of a nuclear exchange. Wake up! it's no joke! This S**t will kill us it all, Come on Notch back a bit! That's all folks. Peace, Love ,and the Purity of our bodily fluids.

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19 responses

  1. You are so right, Robert. Let's hope all will go well.

  2. I concur with you , Robert @roofrat & Spiros @fiveten

  3. I couldn't agree with you more. I'm a cold war vet, and the possibility of conventional war never frightened me as much as a nuclear exchange did. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and well have a more peaceful future fou everyones sake.🙏

  4. I’m with you as well, Robert, the idea of any kind of war is scary, that’s why I no longer build military models. Peace and love, man.

  5. Robert Royes (@roofrat)
    You couldn't have said this any better. Like some of the other good folks who also commented here, I too am a cold war veteran. I did my time bouncing around in a freezing cold icebox in the winter, and it was like an oven in the summer. The Army decided to put tracks and a big main gun on this contraption and they called it either a M-60A1 or M-1A1 tank... In my former career, I have seen the end results of how man can be so mean and cruel towards each other. We only act like we are civilized. When it comes right down to it, and survival mode kicks in, we are all capable of doing some very nasty things in order to keep breathing air.

    My hope is that we are not melted, become a "burned in shadow" on some torn apart concrete rubble pile, or simply vanish into thin air after the big bright white light pops...

    The politicians and media are very good at talking / hyping up a big game... then they send our sons and daughters to do their dirty work for them, while charging us taxes to pay for it all.

    I'm right there with you Robert. I'm not trying to be political here either, but our current world's leadership scene isn't doing anything that I would consider as what a real leader should be doing at a time (and place) where we are now. We had a saying in the military.

    Peace through strength. The best way to prevent any war is to be vigilant and ever ready for anything. This may sound counter intuitive, but it's true. Think about it this way:

    Would you want to ever pick a fight like this ? Especially with someone who had a good chance of kicking your behind ? Nope, most sane people would say no. This is why criminals prefer unarmed and presumed defenseless victims. I'm not being stereotypical here, but the elderly and the weak are the "prime" targets. But once in a while the "bad guys" get a nasty surprise when grandma pulls out a 12 gauge shotgun... I'm just saying...

    Let's hope and pray that our next breath of air isn't radioactive. If something as horrible as this was to happen, then we would see the real results of global warming... followed by a nuclear winter... for a long time to come. What the radiation or thermal / trauma injuries didn't kill, disease, thirst, and starvation would finish off the majority of what was left. Then here again we would likely step in and continue to kill each other over the basic necessities until we were extinct.

    It's not a pretty picture is it ? The people who toss these words around like this REALLY need to stop and think about what these words mean before they start talking.

    If this was to happen, then it's been nice knowing you, and the roaches will eat what is left of our once precious but now melted stashes... There's nothing we can do to stop the inevitable, which is when we draw that last deep breath. Sooner or later that last breath will happen, and I can promise everyone that. So I try not to worry too much about something we have absolutely no control over. To quote Doris Day... Whatever will be, will be.

    I just hope and pray our last breath is much later... rather than a whole lot sooner, and we are not glowing while taking it.

    I too feel betrayed having done my part to help preserve peace.

  6. Well said, Robert (@roofrat). When I was doing my bit in the Air Force, I spent some time in some gnarly places so that things would get better. So here we are, after we all did our bit to make things better, only to find out that things didn't get better. Kind of feel like I was spinning my wheels for nothing. I do see some bright spots in the 20 and 30 year olds. Maybe there is still hope.

    • George R Blair Jr (@gblair)
      We can all hope brother... I feel like you do too. In total darkness a single candle can look like a search light. The bright ones will hopefully carry us through this current state, and not let egos and pride get in the way.

      We should all just try to get along and practice the Golden Rule. Treat others, as you would want to be treated yourself.

      • "We should all just try to get along and practice the Golden Rule. Treat others, as you would want to be treated yourself."

        ^^^^This. 🙏🏻
        Louis @lgardner, I used to tell my students that there was really only one rule or "law" that humans should need. And that's the Golden Rule; if applied, no other rules are needed. Simple but so difficult at the same time...😉

  7. Peace and Love? If you are a student of human history you know it's not likely to happen.

  8. I wonder what separates us from the great apes and tribalism and how close we live to the edge. With current events, I think our education system (how ever unperfect ) and some of our high ranking officers who believe in Democracy and our a product of higher learning have held together a thin line of what we call humanity. To all those who served( which is now a minority in some countries) your efforts and traditions have helped preserved the peace. However, the growing technological advances in the sciences and there applications in war have now brought us closer to the edge in nano seconds. Ignorance is not bless and there is a over abundance of it and we need to have more teachers and scholars more than ever. The first line of defense in moderation and separating us from apes and the bomb. You guys rock. There is a greater good.

  9. Unfortunately history isn't studied properly at school these days.

    They worry about scaring the kids and major on social unjustice during the period etc.

    Fine. If the thought of MAD wasn't scary then for a generation that thinks its OK to stab each other over a chance comment, or that think life has a reset button, scare is good.

    During the bay of pigs incident our crews were sat running with blue steel on-board not knowing if the airfield would be there on the way home.
    My entire career was based round full blown NBC attacks and it has since been disclosed that tac neuc was part of general Soviet doctrine.

    I am 'concerned' how a cornered rat with neucs may act, however I am equally concerned about the chain it might ignite...

    This said it has kept the peace thus far

  10. As a person who has a Masters degree in the study of the Cold War and Detente, I agree with what you are saying. I like to use the Hopi Native American term, “Koyaanisqatsi.” A world out of balance.

  11. @roofrat Amen brother! So sick of the political rhetoric …. So much so I refuse to watch the news. Thanks for your post

  12. I follow the current events closely. Since I am based in Europe, the conflict in the East directly concerns me. In my country, Belgium we have a lot of Ukrainian refugees, about 70k total. This is 0.7% of our population or seven per thousand. We took care of one family since the war started Feb 24th 2022. To remain aware of events, I follow the news and also listen to debate spaces like Mriya Report, founded by Canadians. There are many speakers and contributors from the US there, like Gen. Ben Hodges and John Spencer. I recommend you to do the same:

    Help where you can. Remember: The invading empire dates back 500 years or more but Ukrainian resolve is incredible, with our help, freedom will prevail, always, I am convinced. Light wins over darkness!

    Take care people and keep believing.

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