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Allan J Withers
208 articles

Beechcraft King Air 350, A32-346, School of Air Warfare, 32 Sqn RAAF, East Sale Vic 2004.

November 20, 2023 · in Aviation · · 30 · 393

1/72 RVHP, kit, started 02-2016 finished 12-2022, probably not the best or worst resin kit but I think the end result is worth the effort !

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome 2  3 

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30 responses

  1. Beautiful work Allan, it's a credit to you.

  2. Really great job! I know how a full resin kit can be, I have a Jerry Rutman full resin 1/32nd scale Dauntless, and a resin conversion kit to backdated the Revell P-40E to a B/C and they look like a handful. If I can make them turn out half as beautiful as your Air King I'd be happy.

  3. The end result is absolutely stunning, my friend @kalamazoo! Thanks for the detailed in-progress shots/notes!

  4. Nicely done, Allan! Love the paint job.

  5. Turned out beautifully, Allan.

  6. Very nice! Shows off the sleek lines of the King Air nicely!

  7. That looks like a lot of work, but you nailed it! Just beautiful.

  8. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    This is a very superb and an aesthetical build Allan.
    The shine itself is top notch, let alone the whole model.
    Nice in every angle it is watched.

  9. Looking at the "putty monster" revealed in the photos, this is another of those triumphs of talent and tenacity over what's in the box. Very nice result.

  10. A real beauty Allan, resin I shudder to think of doing another Those RVHP kits can be pricey.

  11. You achieved a great result (@kalamazoo).

  12. Son of a Beechcraft, that's a slick looking airplane - and a awesome looking model, Allan (@kalamazoo)!

  13. Thanks for sharing this beautiful result, Allan @kalamazoo
    She is a true gem.

  14. Looks terrific! Well worth all your effort, Allan.

  15. Beautiful result!

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