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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Hasegawa 1/48 AH 64D IDF, Guardian Angel "Saraf"

November 18, 2023 · in Aviation · · 28 · 432

Haseagawa's AH 64 variants kit boasts with fine details and appears to be accurate in dimensions. However, the 's Guardian Angel does not cover all the changes and additions made in the attack helicopter. In particular, the external fuel tanks are missing. I used Isracast resin product that upgrades the generic AH 64D supplied with resin fuel tanks. The second model is IDF dedicated kit to which I scratch made the tanks.

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28 responses

  1. Amazing looking IDF birds Rafi well up to your usual standard of excellence , really well done ,anything dressed in Star of Davids looks good to me.

  2. Nice one. I have the standard D model in the same scale.

    Markings are difficult to get though it appears. It would have been good to represent one of the first 9 we had which were effective D models before the WAH64 started developing.

    The fact that things don't always match doesn't surprise me as certainly ours changed hugely and are no "purported" to be near identical to the Guardian...they ain't.

    I suspect since its introduction as the A in BAOR to the current E block aircraft, along with the CH47, it is likely to be the most modified cab ever, particularly given marinisation, folding blades, national requirements such as HIDAS (going back) etc etc etc. Nice job.

  3. Those are some nice-looking choppers, Rafi (@blackmopane).

  4. Amazing result as always, Rafi! Awesome job in scratch building those external tanks!

  5. Your usual excellent work, Rafi. the scratch work is impressive.

  6. Excellent result, Rafi @blackmopane
    Your scratch build work does add a lot to those beautiful helicopters

  7. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Two undeniably great model builds Rafi !
    Good work on the camouflage work. they really stand out.

  8. These are really sharp, Rafi.

  9. Grate pair of AH-64Ds Rafi. Really beautiful job as usual.
    The Apache was pretty new when I went into the service. In engine school we spent 3/4 of our training on OH-6, OH-58, UH-1, AH-1, and CH-47 engines and only about 2 weeÄ· on the T700, the UH-60/AH-64 engine because the T700 was so much simpler to maintain and technologically ahead of those older designs. The T700 is all modular in design and easy to work on in comparison.

  10. Nice looking pair of helicopters, Rafi.

  11. Nice looking whoppy choppers!

  12. Excellent builds! Well done.

  13. Awesome looking Saraf's! Time for the 1/35 Takom kit?

    • Thank you Neil.
      My interest in the 1/35 diminishes as the price of the kit increases. The added internal details do not add to the realism of the model since they are seldom seen.

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