2023.....as time flies by

December 23, 2023 · in Uncategorized · · 21 · 365

So, it´s that time of year again.
Wish you nice holidays and all the best for 2024!
It was a pleasure to see all your great work here, keep going!
The old man did good this year with 28 finished models...and the middle-aged man tried his best to take appropriate pictures of them and post them for you. All in except the race car in .

Cheers from Austria!

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome 6  1 

55 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. Simply magnificent, Reinhard.
    Merry Christmas, from California.

  2. That's a spectacular bunch.

  3. Another supreme year by the Spreitzhofer Werke! It was simply wonderful following along your builds! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Productive 2024!

  4. Great year of builds you have there! Merry Christmas!

  5. That’s been quite a productive year for you, Reinhard!
    Thanks for sharing them.
    Have a wonderful festive week.

  6. Happy Holidays! Thats a lot of Great builds and beautiful photos too! I hope you guys keep up the good work. I always look forward to seeing what's next.

  7. Fantastic collection created by your dad, Reinhard @grimreaper
    Besides the beauty of the finished models themselves, you captured the looks of them very professional.
    So compliments to both.
    Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

  8. A really nice "standard of excellence" throughout - that's hard to achieve.

  9. Those are all beautifully built and presented. Merry Christmas to you and yours. @grimreaper

  10. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Gorgeous work and well-developed skills, Reinhard!

  11. Thanks for all the great posts, and Merry Christmas to the Spreitzhofer family!

  12. Looks like you and your dad had a very productive year - great models and great photography!

  13. I’m going to chime in here and echo what everyone else has already said. It’s one thing to be able to build many different models, but it’s another to have them all built to such a high degree of precision.

    That’s what your dad managed to do with each one of these. It’s amazing how many he has built and how nice each and every single one is.

    You guys are an excellent team and you complement each other well.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Take care my friend.

  14. As usual your dad's modeling and your photography are inspirational. Keep up the great work and Merry Christmas.

  15. A very productive year, all excellent and unique paint schemes. The versatility of skill and airbrush work is dynamic and of museum quality. Looking forward to new builds in '24. Merry Christmas

  16. Quite an achievement! They all look so nicely done. Merry Christmas!

  17. Time after time, Team Spreizthofer delivers great scale models! 😁 Superb collection, Reini @grimreaper! 🏆

  18. You are right, Reinhard (@grimreaper), time really seems to fly by. It has been fun watching you produce all of these models.

  19. Beautiful work, especially the golden wings!

  20. 2023 was a great modelling year for you and your dad.

  21. Absolutely beautiful work! I long for the day I can be that productive in a year!

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