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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Dragon 1/48 Ju 188A-2

January 30, 2024 · in Aviation · · 19 · 417

My interpretation for the abandoned Racher found by the Allies in Melsbroek in 1945. Twenty five years in display, it shows more similarities to the photographed aircraft than when originally completed with a glazed canopy and a nose gun.

's Junkers 88 is a good platform for almost endless variations of a theme. It is accurate and detailed but has fit problems in the areas of wing roots and cockpit.

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18  Awesome 2 

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19 responses

  1. Rafa (@blackmopane) this is sensational man! Well done to you 😀

  2. Absolute nice result, Rafi @blackmopane
    Very interesting scheme.

  3. Well done and an interesting scheme.

    I found a neat trick to deal with the cockpit sides not being as wide as the canopy:

    I put in a sprue spreader bar behind the pilot's seat that pushed the cockpit sides out to make a proper connection, then glued the rear section of canopy in place. Let it set up overnight, then moved t he spreader bar to the area in front of the pilot's seat and repeated the process with the forward section of the canopy. Then removed the spreader bar and attached the front part of the canopy - the cockpit sides were properly spread by then and the nose part fit perfectly. This is the one part of the assembly of this kit that needs some creativity to get a solution; this solution is easy, just taking time for the glue to set each night.

  4. Excellent job on the demanding Dragon kit, Rafi! Really interesting, eyecatching scheme, which you replicated perfecty!

  5. Excellent work on this Dragon kit, Rafi. It’s
    Chinese new year in two weeks’ time, it will be the year of the dragon.

  6. Great build Rafi and thanks Tom for the tip. I have Revells boxing of this kit, you have got a fantastic looking 188 there Rafi 😊

  7. Very cool Rafi. Love the camo pattern, it's definitely a unique one. If there's one thing I love about German aircraft from both world wars, its the variety and uniqueness of there paint sceams. Beautiful job.

  8. Very nice paint scheme and final result. @blackmopane

  9. Very nice - interesting to see one with such a dearth of markings. I like it!

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