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Kentucky Phantom

January 9, 2024 · in Aviation · · 17 · 381

Hey folks, not finished anything for a l-o-n-g time hence not been around. Bought this in 1991 in a wee model shop my mate owned in Southport and it's been on the shelf ever since. Dragged it to the bench before Christmas to keep me out of trouble over the holidays - which it pretty-much has.

Other than the ALQ pod and the mid-1980's Microscale decals, what you see here is exactly what came in the box. Definitely not my best work, but wonderful nostalgia trip (even painted it with Humbrol enamels).

All comments, criticism and questions welcomed - Happy New year folks.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome 4  1 

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17 responses

  1. This well travelled kit turned out great, Ian.

  2. Great result Ian. 1991 must have been a good year!

  3. Glad to see you back at the workbench, Ian (@ij001). Hasegawa F-4s can be problem children, but it looks like you have it all figured out. Well done.

  4. Pretty awesome build!

    I live in Kentucky, and the air national guard has a Phantom sitting out front of their main build. Along with a 101 Voodoo

  5. Excellent job, Ian!
    Well done!

  6. Absolutely great work done, Ian @ij001
    This Phantom looks superb.

  7. I think this Phantom looks just wonderful. Great job. @ij001

  8. Great Phantom! You made that old kit really look awesome. I have fond memories of the F4s at our NYAFNG base in Niagara Falls. They were across the runway from our Army hanger, (we were a UH-1NYANG unit) it was always great to see and hear them make low, fast, passes down the runway!

  9. Nice job on your Phantom, Ian...well done!

  10. Nice Phantom, Ian. Your paintwork is outstanding . Painting that scheme on 1/72 Vietnam era jets with Humbrol Authentics made me a lifelong modeler back in the mid ‘70s. Humbrol is still the best paint for brushwork 50 years later.

  11. Oh GollyGeeWhiz. You did a super job building and painting one of my all-time favorite airplanes...a Photo Phantom. I can hear the J-79s now but not much else! Thank you for the pictures.

  12. A Phabulous Photo Phantom, you don't see the wrap around camo done too often. nice work!

  13. Thanks everyone, as ever, always appreciate the very positive comments and recollections. Got great memories of the RF-4's aswell, when I was at Coltishall in the 1980's we worked closely with both the Alconbury & Zweibrucken RF's - staff exchanges, conferences etc.

    Posted this on a couple of FB pages aswell, surprised how many modellers there hadn't seen the SEA wraparound pattern. So with this done, I have my Tamiya M18 and a local commission to complete. Then on to this years' BIG WWII project (not in size, in effort), more of that in due course... but first, time for our Summer Holiday !

    Cheers from NZ.

  14. I have a BUNCH of these Hasegawa Phantoms to build, and I'm a big fan. May not be perfect kits, but with engraved details they overall build up nicely, which you have proven! I love the Phantom, and my family hails from KY, so I really like this!

  15. Nice work Ian (@ij001). Good to see you back in the saddle. Nice looking Phantom. An RAF or RN version is on my to do list 🙂

  16. This is certainly a nice looking Air Guard F-4 Phantom. Always nice to see such a high quality build of an ANG bird.

  17. Nicely done Ian, another phabulous Phantom.

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