Pz.Kpfw.35(t), Academy 1/35
This is my second tank build. Overall, the kit was a quick and easy build. However. there were a few issues with the kit. The rear hatch that goes over the engine compartment was not a good fit and required some shaving down the plastic part and putty the gaps. The decals also did not adhere well even with using MicroSol/MicroSet. I've noticed this problem twice with Academy decals. The third issue is I felt like the tracks were two links short to make a proper fit. Not sure exactly how to install these plastic track links to make them fit correctly.
I did a lot of experimenting with weathering on this model to include using acrylic diorama mud, pigments, and OPR. Perhaps a bit overkill but I still like the way it turned out overall.
Despite the challenges, you created a nice armor, Derek @mrocs2000
Especially the weathering turned out really well. Very realistic.
Thanks John.
That tank looks great, Derek @mrocs2000!
I agree with John's comments above, you've achieved a very realistic result here! 
Thanks Gary.
I agree with the above Gents, Derek: a super result!
Thanks Spiros.
You nailed the paint and weathering. Gives me something to shot for on my next tank build.
Appreciate it Mark.
Nice work on this Derek, looks like you are really perfecting your weathering. Great build!
I'm still figuring it out. Almost done with a desert camo tank. Kinda hard to figure out how to weather that one because the dust & sand blends in with the paint scheme.
It has a great amount of realism to it. Nicely accomplished. @mrocs2000