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Greg Kittinger
125 articles

ICM 1/72 Ki-21-1a Sally, Thai Bomber

February 14, 2024 · in Aviation · · 28 · 362

This was an IPMS review build, so I'll post the link here when the review is released.

link here soon...

ICM is putting out great kits! The is one of my favorite Japanese bombers, and I still have two Revell kits and an MPM in the stash, purchased (for the most money I've ever paid for kits!) before ICM began putting their line of Sallys on the market.

It was an OOB build except for the work required to get the landing gear into the retracted position, the addition of one missing panel line on the forward fuselage, and rivets. MPR paint for the exterior, and the only weathering medium I used on this was pastel chalk powders. I wanted to keep it simple, and I was waayyyy behind on getting the review build done.

I did use an aftermarket paint mask set, and that was a HUGE time saver, even if I had attempted to use the provided mask template to cut my own masks. PJ Productions crew members were the only other aftermarket addition.

It's a beautifully designed kit. Read my build review (when added) for my only suggestion to save yourself potential heartache.

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome 1  1 

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

28 responses

  1. Nice job on this bomber, Greg @gkittinger , the paint is very nice. Interesting set of markings too.

  2. Superb job, Greg! Very charming scheme, which you replicated perfectly!

  3. That looks pretty amazing. Great job!

  4. Really superb work on this, and a great result. The paintwork is among your best.

  5. Definitely an impressive result, Greg @gkittinger.
    The paintwork is a real work of art.
    You don't see Thai aircraft that often.

  6. Inspiring build, Greg.

  7. Looking good! Riveting def adds to it.

  8. Great looking build Greg. The subtle weathering makes the paint scheme outstanding.

  9. Gโ€™day Greg (@gkittinger),
    Another great build.

  10. Beautiful work, Greg! Your canopies are particularly sharp!

  11. Greg Kittinger (@gkittinger)
    Your Ki-21 looks fantastic ! It's another one of your signature builds on the clear acrylic rod. I'm looking forward to seeing your build review article too. I finished mine up a month or so back, so I need to post it up in the headlines section too. Lately I have not had as much bench time as I would like but it's OK.

    I'll chime in here and echo what has been previously stated.

    Well done !

  12. Very nice Greg (@gkittinger). It looks amazing. So much depth to it, so great job on the pre shading work, the paint job and the weathering too ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Top work, Greg @gkittinger! ๐Ÿ† Wow, what superb paintwork and canopies! ๐Ÿคฉ

  14. Greg, this is great work! The mast wires, the canopy, the overall paint job: all top notch!

  15. Looks awesome, Greg (@gkittinger). Masking all of the small glass in 1/72 must have been really fun. Well done.

    • @gblair Thank God for paint masks! I can't imagine having to manually cut all that tape! I have several other Japanese bombers that I cannot find mask sets for, and it really kills my mojo when I consider opening those boxes...

      • Maskless 1/72 bombers definitely warm the shelf in the garage for a long time. You gotta really want a model of something to put yourself through all that tape cutting.

      • Hey Greg @gkittinger, check out Kitmasx and their custom, made-to-order mask sets. I used one on my 1/48 Monogram Mosquito and was very impressed!

        • @garybrantley - thanks for that tip - had never heard of them, but just ordered a few sets to check out the vinyl masks. I'll keep them in mind for custom order!

          • @gkittinger, Greg, I believe you'll enjoy using those. I got 6 sets of custom-made masks (all with big "greenhouse-type" canopies) and requested them in vinyl and Tamiya tape. I mostly used the Tamiya tape for my Mosquito canopy just because the yellow tape was easier for me to see and place instead of the gray vinyl. I look forward to hearing your opinions. Janelle and Kevin were great to deal with and I hope to use more of their products in the future. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  16. Great job on this bomber, Greg. This is a nice looking kit and your paint finish came out great!

  17. This is incredible, Greg!

  18. Another beauty, Greg! Love the paint job.

  19. Nice work ,Greg, well done!

  20. Beautiful work Greg, and with unusual markings more so! For sure one of your best works to date. Thumbs up

  21. very nice build!

  22. Mustang Sally, Greg, great build.

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