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Robert Knaack
44 articles

Two Kits for Ron

February 20, 2024 · in Armor · · 18 · 301

My neighbor Ron passed away recently. Ron was an interesting fellow - He grew up only a mile or so from where he died in this rural Iowa community, was an engineer in the Air Force (worked on the Hound Dog AGM), collected firearms, read widely on historical and current event topics, and had a sharp wit. He was in my home on numerous occasions during the seven years we lived next door, and so was an admirer of my modelling hobby. Several months ago, he was diagnosed with cancer, did what he could for treatment, then awaited the end. The week before he passed, he invited me to his house, and bestowed upon me his collection of unbuilt model kits (I dont' think he had any "built" model kits). Among the vintage Monogram and Revell kits were these two kits - why two, I was not informed.

After admiring the airplane kits a while, I decided I really didn't have room or desire to display such large aircraft, and determined instead to build both of the Horch kits, one in European theater grey, and one in African theater desert colors.

The kit gives the option of doors on or off, top up or down, and windows in or out. Both kits were built OOB, with the only additions being adding celophone to the rear window of the canvas top to emulate the collapsible pane, repositioning the one driver to have his hand on the open door rather than the steering wheel, and luggage and ammo boxes from a Tamiya accessories kit. Both kits were air-brushed with Tamiya black primer, then Tamiya German Grey. The desert version was then additionally painted with Vallejo white in the center of the body panels, then oversprayed with Tamiya Dark Yellow 2. The canvass covers of both, and the seats of the Grey one were painted Tamiya Dark Green 2. The seats of the desert version were brush painted Tamiya Red Brown. Weathering was then applied using acrylic chalks shaved into little piles, then applied with a brush dipped in Model Master clear coat. Flat aluminum and flat rust colors were dry-brushed to show wear areas. The base was molded from modelling clay and painted for desert and mud conditions.

I don't have a lot of 1/35th military vehicles, but these were fun little kits to build, and I think Ron would be pleased with the outcome. Here's to you, Ron.

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13  Awesome 4 

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18 responses

  1. These kits look awesome. Very nice tribute to neighbor and USAF veteran, Ron. Thanks for a great post.

  2. It's a nice memorial for your neighbor.

  3. Both are excellent, Robert! A great tribute to Ron!

  4. Robert Knaack (@robgenev665)
    Ron would be proud.

    My wife has been battling with an aggressive cancer for a while now, going on close to 5 years. She had several surgeries and went through 8 rounds of chemo, losing all of her beautiful long dark hair. The doctors originally told us that she would be lucky if she lived for two years.

    Cancer SUX ! It takes a big bite out of you. Each day is a gift my friend.

    We should live it like there is no tomorrow, because in all actuality there may not be one.

    Keep it going my friend. Your doing some wonderful work.

  5. Ron sounds like a good neighbour, good job on these two kits, Robert.

  6. Beautiful builds, Robert @robgenev665
    A nice remembrance to your neighbour.

  7. Nicely done, Robert. Ron's kit's are in good hands.

  8. Impressive builds, Robert.
    A nice remembrance to your neighbour Ron.

  9. Nice work, Robert. and yes a nice remembrance.

  10. @roofrat Thank you kindly, Robert.

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