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Chas Bunch
52 articles

Spanish Emil

March 16, 2024 · in Aviation · · 11 · 260

I recently built a couple of models from and was impressed with their quality and detail. I didn't have a 109E in my SCW collection, so decided to do another Wingsy kit. A few Bf-109E-1s and E-3s arrived in Spain just before hostilities ceased and didn't see much action. This model represents an E-1 flown by Hauptmann Siebelt Reents of 1.J/88, who claimed a single victory over a Polikarpov I-16 just before the end of hostilities.

The kit did not disappoint, it is a very nice kit. I don't care for some of their PE parts, easy enough to ignore them and use wire and card stock instead. I used Kelik 3-D cockpit accessories, master gun barrels in the wings, and Reskit exhaust. I had a very old AeroMaster decal sheet for a Spanish E-1 for 6*119. I used the kit stencil decals, they're very nice and the tiny stencils are legible, you can actually read them!

I used Model Master RLM 63 over RLM 65. There's much controversy over the color of RLM 63. I came across a RLM color chart that lists two colors, RLM 63 V1 which is a light grey (Hellgrau) and RLM 63V2 (Schwatzgrau) which is a greenish grey similar to RLM 02. RLM 66 is also called Schwartzgrau. Very confusing. To me, the MM RLM 63 always looked too light, so I added a little 02 to darken it a little. Looking at black and white photos of the period and comparing the contrast between the white rudder and the grey fuselage, I went with my own version of RLM 63. Some profiles of 6*119 have a grey spinner while others show a yellow spinner. I just liked the yellow better. I guess if I'm wrong the rivet counters can sue me. Whatever, I now have an Emil to go with my 109A , B, and D models. I'll be raiding my piggy bank for more Wingsy kits in the future.

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11 responses

  1. He looks very good in Francoist colors. Beautiful work, I like it very much.

  2. Nice model & photographs, @chasbunch!

  3. Great! Photo are great too!

  4. This is a fine looking Emil, Chas @chasbunch
    To me you did perfectly fine on the RLM colors.

  5. Excellent work. Never seen this before. Well executed. G

  6. Fantastic Emil, Chas! Love your color shades approach!

  7. As you prove here, Chas, you cannot go wrong with the Wingsy Emils. The best kit, period.

  8. Nice build and finish, Chas, the photographs are really good as well.

  9. Great looking Emil, Chas @chasbunch! 👍 Well done for sure! 👏

  10. The out door lighting and natural back round shows the model to good effect. The black and white photos of the real a/c add some good reference. Especially, the one with the engine run up with the cowling removed and the mechanic. It looks like a engine seal or hose leaked oil onto the wing or its from the engine exhaust. However, the strait line or streak of oil makes the theory suspect. Chas, it all works.

  11. Looks great - I think you hit the colors well...

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