Amtech 1/48 P-40K
The series of AmTech's Curtiss P-40 Warhawks explores a highly diversified topic of Allied fighter both, it terms of variants and camouflage schemes. The kit origins from Ertl and was once among the better games in town with respect to the 1/48 P-40 kits thanks to the accurate outline and simplicity of construction.
This model depicts the mount of Major Edward N. Nollmeyer, Commander of 26th FS, 51st FG based in Kumming, early 1944.
That’s a beautiful Warhawk. Excellent paint work and control. Primo!
Thank you kindly.
A very nice looking aircraft. Magnificent work.
Thank you Emmet.
Nice build. She probably took a little more real estate to get into the air with that load out.
Thank you Jim.
I agree, but the look is more convincing.
Great job on a fine kit. Unfortunately, AM Tech was here and gone in about 5 minutes.
Thank you Bob.
These were very long 5 minutes that allowed me to build a squadron of P-40s.
Indeed, Rafi, I bought a few AMT P-40s and enjoyed the builds.
Can’t go wrong with a Warhawk. Great work.
Thank you Matt.
Nice work, Rafi. I concur that these are good kits. I prefer to build them with closed canopies like you did with this awesome K model.
Thank you John.
Who doesn’t love a P-40? Yours is particularly easy to like, Rafi. Great job.
Thank you Ben.
Excellent P-40 build. The AMT kits are pretty nice. Too bad the AMT owner isn't around anymore.
Thank you Dan.
Nothing lasts forever. This why I decided that it is high time to convert my collection to digital assets.
Really fine work on this P-40 Rafi!
Thank you Dale!
Superb job as usual, Rafi! Excellent P-40!
Thank you Spiros!
Fully agree on all previous comments, Rafi @blackmopane
The antenna wiring must have been a real challenge.
Also the brake lines do look very good, did you scratch build those and what did you use for it.
Thank you John.
I usually use copper wires for brake lines and pipes. They are easily bent, but may resist paint.
Amazing paintwork, Rafi. Very beautiful!
Thank you Felix!
Another super model Rafi
what's not to like about a P-40 cracking build 
Thank you Guy!
I love the scheme on this one- great work!
Thank you David!
A very beautiful job on one of my favorite WWII fighters (since I was a kid...and that was a long time ago). I really love your paint job. May I recommend E Z Line for your radio antenna wires. It is stretchy, flexible, and won't break if touched or bumped. Forgiving and very easy to use.
Thank you Tom.
If I am to build the P-40 again, I will heed your advice. Thank you.
I think you will really like using it for antenna wires. I use it on all of my builds. One spool will last forever. I got mine on Amazon.
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Superb build, looks great. I've done a few AmTech builds, missed out on the P-40.
Thank you Chas.
Hasegawa's P-40 is much better, but does not have the nostalgic aura...
Very nice! I'm a huge P-40 fan.
Thank you Greg!
Superb build and paint job Rafi - well done Sir!
Thank you Scott!
Lovely. Built their "N"
Thank you George.
The N has the most attractive schemes.