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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Hasegawa 1/48 F-18D Hornet

April 5, 2024 · in Aviation · · 26 · 342

Hasegawa's is a challenging model. The mold is well detailed with a fine recessed panel surface, but has a few fit issues. Nonetheless, it is an impressive model like this great aircraft.

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26 responses

  1. Very nice work as usual, Rafi, with a super result.

  2. Profile Photo
    said on April 5, 2024

    Great Hornet, very well done!

  3. Fantastic looking bird Rafi. Love it 😀

  4. Excellent job and very realistic result, Rafi!

  5. Fine looking Hornet, Rafi.

    The way Hase molded the nose to butt join the fuselage is what got me. All of Hasegawa's 1/48 teen fighters did that and made construction all that more difficult.

    • Thank you Dan.
      What I did not like the most in this kit was the outrageous retail price at the time of issue. I received this kit from a friend who could not complete the build.
      Fortunately, the price remained similar throughout the years (meaning dropped considerably in real terms.) And now, it is in par with the much better Meng kit...

  6. Great looking Hornet.

  7. Superb modelling demonstrated on this Hornet, Rafi @blackmopane
    Very realistic.

  8. Looks like you made the best of this Hasegawa kit, Rafi.

  9. Excellent Hornet, Rafi...well done! Cool JDAMS, weathering/paint work and decals look incredible.

  10. Looks great Rafi, great work. Are the JDAM you used from the Revell 1/48 F-18E/F?
    I love F-18D's! Finally made one as an ATARS D when over Bosnia. I hoarded a few Hasegawa A/B/C/D's back when they averaged $50-60US. Need to actually build them! Still don't understand why Hasegawa never put intakes in the design of the kit. I have seamless s*****s for all of mine, and my Monogram F-18's too, as they fit both kits.

    • Thank you Dan.
      The JDAMs were "borrowed" from the Revell F-15 kit. Like may other fighters, I prefer the two seat variant models because they have a busier look.

  11. Great work on this as usual Rafi, a very impressive result. I've got a Kinetic F-18 kit in the stash that I hope to get built this year and yours is certainly a source of motivation to get it done. 2 questions-
    1) is yours built entirely out of the box or did you use some aftermarket items?
    2) have you built the Kinetic kit and if so what are your impressions or tips you might have?

    • Thank you David.

      I built the Hornet years ago, so I do not quite remember what I added. Of course, the JDAMS were sourced out since Hasegawa does not include full ordnance parts in the kit. I suspect that the cockpit is Black Box because it looks too good to be an original Hasegawa mold.

      I did not build the Kinetic kit. I would not worry about the build of the F-18. It is a very smooth skinned and usually light colored aircraft. This means that you can putty if necessary and do not worry about the panel lines, as long as you get rid of the seams.

  12. Seriously breathtaking. And to think you'll have another one of these beauties in like 8 days.

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