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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Nakajima Ki 84-IA Hayate

April 11, 2024 · in Aviation · · 11 · 298

Tamiya's 1972 mold shows its age. This 1/48th scale kit provides basic cockpit components and sports minimal engraved panel lines. Nonetheless, the assembled model has the characteristics of the () including the purposeful look with the big radial Homare engine.

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11 responses

  1. Another beauty Rafi!

  2. What an outstanding build, Rafi! This kit is frequently denigrated since the Hasegawa kit was released, but I find, based on photos, that the basic outline, especially the wing tips, is more accurate, save a slightly small fin and rudder. Though some complain that the scale is actually 1/50, once the fin and rudder are adjusted, everything matches 1/48 as well as most other kits. The canopy looks best when posed open, as you have done, and the rest is a matter of applying basic modeling skills to get seams aligned or filled and details added as suits one's skills and preferences, also as you have done so well. Congratulations!

    • Thank you Christopher.
      Thank you for sharing your knowledge about the Hayate. I thought that this kit would be a suitable introduction to the type before proceeding to Hasegawa's 1/32 kit.

  3. Another beauty added to your collection, Rafi @blackmopane
    Great work on the painting and weathering. No signs that this is an old mold.

  4. Great work, Rafi. Nice to see what careful work can do on old kits like this.

  5. Excellent result on this old mold beauty, Rafi!

  6. Very nice, you made that old kit look great!

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