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Manuel González
15 articles

Some Where Beyond The Sea ..... Uss California - BB-44

April 23, 2024 · in Ships · · 14 · 272

Trumpeter kit with the 1945 version. Flyhawk photo-etched parts have been used for the radars, 20 mm oerlikon and the 40 mm mounts. To represent the double mounts, other leftovers have been used that have been tried to adapt. The main guns are Master Model. The masts have been rebuilt from metal bars and also the stern cranes. Many other improvements have been added to scracht such as anchor chains and hull modifications. 30 figures from Ion Models have been added. It has been made in full hull and a mix of Dark Vermillon (70947) and Hull Red (70985) has been used. For the deck, a mixture of Intermediate Blue (70903) and Dark Sea Blue (70898) has been used and for the rest of the superstructures the same mixture but in a different proportion. Deck has been finished with black wash and oil paints. The ship is represented in navigation on a styrofoam sheet with medium gloss and cotton.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome 1  2 

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14 responses

  1. Impressive detail on such a small scale! Great work!

  2. Beautiful work, beautiful ship!

  3. The rebuilt Pearl Harbor Battlewagons are so cool looking with the mix of new and old features.
    Great build on this.

  4. That’s amazing! The Tennessee and Maryland classes are my favorite ships. Well done.

  5. What a gorgeous build! Fantastic work, those details would look great even on any larger scale, but in 700th it just looks so good. Your base is excellent as well.

  6. Beautiful ship, and your seascape looks wonderful too!

  7. Excellent work - love the realistic water!

  8. Just amazing that's 1/700. It could be 1/350, for all that detail. Great work!

  9. Fantastic job, Manuel!

  10. Excellent job, Manuel @kometa
    Besides the ship, also the water effect is very realistic.

  11. Thank you very much friends for your kind words.
    It is a pleasure to know that you liked this beautiful ship.

  12. This is truly a wonderful build Manuel (@kometa). The addition of the tiny figures really adds to the realism. The water looks first rate. And the detail on the model is excellent.

  13. Beautiful job! Water looks fantastic 😃



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