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Rafi Ben-Shahar
434 articles

1/48 Hasegawa SH-3H Sea King

May 15, 2024 · in Aviation · · 18 · 362

This is a revamped model that I received from a friend and includes FlightPath photoetch parts for the interior. Yet, over time the rotor blades drooped and I left the fragile rotor untouched.

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18 responses

  1. Excellent revamp and fantastic looks, Rafi!

  2. A very nicely re-done kit, Rafi @blackmopane
    What did you use to get the transparant blue.

    • Thank you John.
      In this case I used transparent blue oil paint. It is easier to get a similar effect with Tamiya enamel transparent blue and you can add a touch of green or yellow top unstirred paint layer.

  3. The dropping rotors really help make it look real. Glad you left those alone. All the other work is top-shelf as usual in your work.

  4. Such a great used/worn look to this build. Well done, Rafi

  5. Great looking build! Thanks for sharing.


  6. My cousin flew this aircraft as a new Ensign in the Navy. Your model is just gorgeous!

  7. I'm not into helo's much, but I am into excellent paint and weathering work, and this really shines! Excellent work.

  8. Beautiful, really nicely done. When I was in VAW-115 aboard the Independence HS-12 was still aboard with their HS-3s, most were plain grey, but they still had one in the white and grey scheme. Each one also had the date of manufacture stenciled on the nose. The earliest one I saw was late 1950s as I recall

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