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Graham GREEN
13 articles

Country Storekeepers Wagon in 1/12th scale.

May 25, 2024 · in Uncategorized · · 7 · 161
This article is part of a series:
  1. Shand Mason Steam Driven Water Pumper Horse Drawn Vehicle
  2. Country Storekeepers Wagon in 1/12th scale.
  3. Making Scale Model Wooden Spoked Wheels

Made from working drawings of J.E.Bishop, published in “The Australasian Coachbuilder and Wheelwright, July 1908”.

Saw a picture of a similar vehicle on the back cover of a book called ‘Tim Downers Legacy’ and reckoned it looked OK.
Found out it was actually in a Museum at Millicent, South Australia, contacted them and got quite a bit more info.

Was out at a special farm day held at ‘ Mick Bradfords from Warwick, Qld’ and he had one of these vehicles in rather poor condition on display, put two and two together and came up with this model.

Found the drawing similar to Mick’s wagon and used the colour scheme and sign writing from the vehicle at the Museum at Millicent, South Australia.
The full sized vehicle could be used with a pair, or possibly at a pinch, as a Unicorn hitch, depends on how many horses the owner had, or the weight being carted around and where he had to go.

A few photo’s first showing the construction of this model, along with more photo’s showing the completed model and the last photo shows the full sized vehicle in the Museum.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Well done, Graham (@radishus4). The skill and patience it took to create this from scratch and then paint it is well beyond anything I possess. Painting on this is very striking.

  2. The paint is very ordinary Enamel House Paint, you can buy it at any hardware store, nothing special about it at all. I use an el-cheapo airbrush to apply the paint, as it works exactly the same as the most expensive airbrush, it just blows paint around onto what you want to apply it to. I use mineral turps as a thinner for the enamel paint and to get that shine on just ONE coat of colour, is very easily obtainable with enamel paints. The pinstriping and scrolling is just decals that are made at home.

  3. Another amazing result result, Graham!

  4. Another beautiful scratchbuild wagon, Graham @radishus4
    Lots of details.

  5. Stunning work Graham !

  6. Another gorgeous museum piece, Graham @radishus4. We “clowns” are just not worthy.

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