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Rafi Ben-Shahar
403 articles

Hasegawa 1/48 RF-4E Phantom II 'faded camouflage'

June 24, 2024 · in Aviation · · 18 · 306

For many years, Ebay used to be my main source of of models. There are many good models around. Hence, overstocked items with low shipping costs were my favorites.

At some stage, 's Japanese Phantoms were offered for sale at a very low cost and I accumulated half a dozen of them. In this example I tried to depict the faded camouflage look. The Phabolous were well kept in the and oil streaks and stains that characterize the aircraft were quickly removed. However, the paint work faded creating another intricate pattern to the collection of fascinating Japanese camouflage schemes.

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15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Rafi @blackmopane, the faded look is fabulous! At some point you have to do a tutorial 🙂

  2. Absolutely fabulous job and superb results, Rafi!

  3. Superb result on the camouflage, Rafi @blackmopane
    Not only the camouflage, but everything looks amazing.
    You must have taken an entire week off to get all those stencils applied.

    • Thank you John.
      Hasegawa's Phantom stencils cover large areas, so they are not really tedious. The problem with faded camouflage is that it contradicts with a glossy coat for the decals.

  4. Excellent recce Phantom, Rafi.
    The camo scheme makes those Japanese Phantoms.

  5. @blackmopane
    From my end here it looks like you captured on your Phantons the faded paint look quite well Rafi.
    Getting this worn/sun bleached look on a painted surface is imo one of the hardest tricks to do in models without going too far. Your models are a good reference to getting it done with balance

  6. You can’t go wrong with a Hasegawa F-4! Nice work, Rafi.

  7. that is a great looking Phantom, I think you did a nice job with the weathering. Awesome work dude!

  8. I love the Japanese Phantoms and have a multitude of kits to build in a variety of schemes. Can you spill any details on how you achieved such a realistic faded look? Pre-and post-shading colors - sequences, etc.? Any hints and tips appreciated!

    • My method of applying the "correct" colors is to examine photographs for the amount of contrast between the colors. I do not apply colors straight from the bottle (not also diluted.) The mixes are not homogeneous throughout the model. The only camouflage color that I do not hesitate to use straight from the bottle is Tamiya's dark green enamel.

  9. Rafi, I always enjoy your work, and this a good example why. Very excellent build, wonderful paint work gives this a very realistic look.

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