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Pavel Matousek
6 articles

Fokker D.VII (OAW) Seven Swabians

July 19, 2024 · in Aviation · · 27 · 373

The Fokker was a German World War I fighter aircraft designed by Reinhold Platz of the Fokker-Flugzeugwerke. Germany produced around 3300 D.VII aircraft in the second half of 1918. In service with the Luftstreitkräfte, the D.VII quickly proved to be a formidable aircraft. When deployed to the front in 1918, it proved to be superior to the Allied fighters of the time, leading to a second period of German air superiority known as the Fokker Scourge. The armistice ending the war specifically required Germany to surrender all D.VII. The surviving aircraft saw much service with many countries in the years after World War I.

I have always wanted to build the Fokker D.VII OAW flown by Wilhelm Scheutzel, Jasta 65 'Seven Swabians' in September 1918. As I could not find the OAW version kit, I had to convert the FOK version kit to this version. For the rebuild I used parts from Aviattic Models, who also have the Seven Swabians decals and the Lozenge decals. I painted the dirt based on a photo of the real plane. I have also added photos from the construction of the model for any interest.

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27 responses

  1. This is a wonderful D.VII build, Pavel @pavelmat99
    The level of detail is really amazing.

  2. Outstanding work, love the detail, very realistic.

  3. Amazing job, Pavel!

  4. Beautiful work and a very realistic result.

  5. Great build. I'm not very familiar with airplanes of ths 1st WW so I had to look for the abbreviations. I found OAW = Ostdeutsche Albatross Werke but I couldn't find FOK.

    • Fokker factory instead of Albatross plant.

    • Thank you very much, Hans. As Tom already wrote, FOK is the designation of the versions that were produced by the Fokker factory. The planes of the individual versions differed in details. Most visually, for example, on the engine fairing. Therefore, it was necessary to replace the radiator, fairing and other small things with those that corresponded to the required version and were not in the kit.

  6. Awesome build and finishing.

  7. Magnificent Fokker DV11 Pavel, love the detail work.

  8. Excellent DVII.

  9. Simply beautiful result, Pavel. You definitely have skills. The WNW kits are beautifully engineered and detailed. You took it to another level.
    The Aviattic decals look like they worked beautifully. I have the set for Ltn. Heinz von Beauliev-Marconnay's "U.10" D.VIi. I belive it's also a Jasta 65 aircraft also, but I'd have to go check again. I hope I have similar results when I get around to building it.

    • Thank you so much, Clint. Yes, the WnW sets are perfect and very detailed. I really like working with them. And I also like to use Aviattic Models products as a supplement. Their decals have only one very unpleasant feature for me. Very little hold after drying on the surface. Since I don't like to use decals on insignia, but airbrush them, it gives me problems. Even the least sticky mask will sometimes peel off the decal. But maybe it's my clumsiness. I don't know. I believe that the outcome of your work will be at least the same as mine. And I look forward to you posting it here.

  10. I'm a jet guy, but that is some incredible detail and work...great build, Pavel!

  11. Wow that's great looking build! Thanks for sharing.


  12. Great Fokker, Pavel!

  13. Again, an absolutely great build.

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