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Rafi Ben-Shahar
436 articles

Wingman Model 1/48 Kfir RC 2

July 3, 2024 · in Aviation · · 14 · 282

A model representing one of the late development of . issued three variants of the Kfir. The reconnaissance version of the Kfir is a challenging model due to the nature of the plastic mold, which is 's Kfir,

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14 responses

  1. Nice work, Rafi. I never realized that a recce Kfir was offered out of the box. AML does several resin conversions for Israeli recce Mirage/Nesher/Kfir variants that I’ve been considering for some time now.

    • Thank you John.
      Wingman Models had another training Kfir and early variant with the conversion. I believe that all are sold out long ago. I built also the training variant, which is much more difficult to build than this.

  2. Excellent result out of this challenging kit, Rafi!
    Never knew a recce Kfir existed, what a distinctively looking bird.

  3. Excellent build of a tough kit. I built the Wingman early Kfir and know exactly where the bad area is (intake seam/join right at the fuselage.)

  4. Very cool! Would have loved to have found a kit in 1/72. That "racheting" recee nose is very interesting.

  5. Superb work Rafi, really captures the look of the Kfir RC2

  6. Very nice build, Rafi @blackmopane
    This variant of the Kfir is new to me, looks a bit odd with the extended nose.

  7. Looks great! A subject rarely covered! I've got an Atlas Cheetah R in my stash which was their update of a Mirage lll R2Z with a little help from IAI

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