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Rafi Ben-Shahar
377 articles

ProModeller 1/48 F-84G Thunderjet

August 24, 2024 · in Aviation · · 24 · 261

A very nice depiction of the by /. The intake part though, requires attention because it is significantly smaller in diameter than the fuselage front.

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24 responses

  1. The Revell kits are the best takes on the plank-wing F-84 in 1/48. Excellent work on this.

  2. You did a wonderful job, Rafi @blackmopane
    A fine looking Thunderjet.

  3. Your F-84G looks wonderful, Rafi!

  4. Nice job, Rafi. One of my favorite early jets

  5. That is a great Thunderjet, Rafi @blackmopane! ๐Ÿ˜ It's good to see another Revell kit built; they are very nice kits and produce good results of this iconic warrior! ๐Ÿ‘

    If you're interested, here's my version of the Revell kit, but not the ProModeller edition, done several years ago:

  6. Very nice metal finish, well done!

  7. Very well done! Revell had a winner with this one. One of my few jets.

  8. Nice! My dad helped build these at Republic Aviation.

  9. Great work, Rafi. I need to build the one thatโ€™s been aging in the stash for 5-6 years. I botched the paint job on my first one shortly after it came out.

  10. Excellent Thunderjet - the NMF looks very good, and the overall scheme is great.

  11. Excellent work, this is a great looking F-84.

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