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Rafi Ben-Shahar
377 articles

Hasegawa 1/32 P-40E Warhawk

November 11, 2024 · in Aviation · · 16 · 229

Hasegawa's big kit has a similar mold style like other recent scale aircraft. The models capture well the outlines of the aircraft. Surface textures are finely recessed, but the details are sparse and are sketchy for the scale. Aftermarket products are required to complement the existing details, particularly in the cockpit. Moreover, in the there are plenty of joints representing false panel lines. The fit of parts is very good. However, the false panel lines require careful filling. Since the flaps are partially ribbed, I scratch built the reset of the structure and lowered the flaps. In addition, I cut off the ailerons and horizontal stabilizers for added realism.

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10  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. One of Hasegawa's best and you got the most out of it.

  2. Fantastic finish! Got to see a P40 fly for the first time last month. Great aircraft

  3. Very inspirational, Rafi. I don’t do a lot of 1/32 but I do have the Hasegawa P-40K in the stash.

  4. Excellent result on the big Hasegawa Warhawk, Rafi!
    Superb painting and weathering!

  5. Love a good P-40! Awesome build!

  6. Great P-40! Always one of my favorites. Beautiful work as always Rafi.

  7. Another excellent build - well done.

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