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James Kelley
81 articles

Eduard 1/72 Bf-109G-6 Hermann Graf.

December 7, 2024 · in Aviation · 14 · 235

Here's another Eduard '109. I used a lot of Eduard's 3D printed aftermarket sets (7 to be exact), which I will list below. The kit, as you know, is just the best. The decals really came through on this build, especially the red "tulip petals". What, with all the scoops and bumps around the nose, I feared the worst. But, dipping a Q-Tip in setting solution and mashing the sticker down, it ended up looking painted on.

Aftermarket sets used:

Eduard #672346 Bf-109 Propeller
Eduard#672325 Bf-109F/G Exhaust Stacks
Eduard#672292 Luftwaffe Rudder Pedals
Eduard#672355 Bf-109G-5/6 Gun Barrels
Eduard#672348 Bf-109G5/6 Wheels
Eduard#672338 Bf-109G Undercarriage Legs
Eduard#672321 Bf-109F/G External Fuel Tanks

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Wow, this one looks really nice! Great work !

  2. That's 1/72nd Scale?!?! I though it was 1/32nd scale.
    Nice work with the tulip nose and the jagged camo on the wing and the varied demarcation on the leading edge.
    Your building skill equally match the quality of the kit, James.

  3. It is amazing to me how far 1/72 scale kits have come. You knocked this one out of the park James (@jkelleycrna). Well done!

  4. You have definitely presented very convincing argument in favor of this kit. Excellent result!

  5. Fantastic result, James!

  6. Well done, James. Definietly does not look like 1/72.

  7. That’s really sharp. 1/72 109s aren’t easy subjects no matter how good the kit is.

  8. Nice, and this is in 1/72! 😮 Excellent work!

  9. This is definitelly an impressive build, James @jkelleycrna
    Like the others, I was also fooled by the scale, it looks much bigger than 1/72

  10. Superb modelling James. Painting and very subtle weathering are wonderful 👌

  11. Outstanding build - like they said, it looks larger than 1:72!

  12. That is a beauty! I finally added a couple of sets of Eduard 109s to my stash - I can see I'll be glad I did once I build them up! (of course - skill still required, of which your model shows off nicely!).

  13. Gentlemen, thank you one and all for your kind words!

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