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Chas Bunch
55 articles

Nemeth Parasol

March 22, 2025 · in Aviation · · 10 · 106

Here’s my latest build - the Nemeth Parasol from Avis (Ukraine) in 1:48. I needed a simple no-brainer with a low parts count after my last big project. This one fit the bill - good fit, simple one-color paint job, and good decals. My first build from Avis. The struts look a bit clunky compared to photos of the real thing. In hindsight, I should have made my own struts from flattened aluminum tubing. Whatever…

The circular wing parasol was the brainchild of Steven Nemeth. He used the fuselage and tail from a 1929 Alliance A-1 Argo biplane and designed a circular wing with a diameter of 15 feet. Nemeth conducted wind tunnel tests at the University Michigan in 1929 and worked with students at Miami University who helped him build the circular wing. It was a 2-place aircraft, with the pilot in the rear cockpit and the passenger in front with no controls. The first flight occurred in 1934. It was powered by a Warner Scarab radial engine of 120 HP, in place of the A-1’s original 90 HP Lambert engine. The plane had excellent flying characteristics and was easy to fly. Takeoff distance was just 63 feet. The plane reached a top speed of 135 mph with a cruising speed of 100 mph. Tests were done with stall speeds by turning the engine off in flight and using the wing as a parachute, a stall speed was reported as 25 mph. It resulted in a near vertical descent with a nice flare and short ground roll. (sort of like a helicopter autorotation landing). Nemeth did two years of testing and some modifications. At one point it had Junkers-style ailerons and flap. In spite of the excellent flying characteristics, Nemeth was unable to generate enough interest to produce any more parasols, but gave ideas to others for circular winged aircraft to come later. It was the only one built, and its fate is unknown. There is still a single Argo A-1 biplane flying today.

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6  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. That is over the top cool! A pity the real machine wasn't developed further.

  2. Really cool, love it

  3. Excellent result on this very interesting plane, Chas!

  4. You did a wonderful job on this unique aircraft, Chas @chasbunch

  5. A very nice build of a very interesting interwar aircraft. I particularly like the 'pylon' pose (photo 3).

  6. A wonderful model and an informative text that I enjoyed reading! This aeroplane is not only amazing, but your realization as a model is also extremely well done - thank you for showing this inspiring piece of gem

  7. Excellent build. Really looks like the real plane in your photos. Bravo, Chas @chasbunch.

  8. Well that one's new to me. Really nice work on this Chas. A great result.

  9. New to me also! Man, that thing is weird-looking! Looks like a wingless mini-hawkeye!

  10. Great subject Chas, and excellent nice work!

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