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G. Ley
29 articles

So you’ve built a 1/48 hangar but…

July 31, 2018 · in Diorama · · 7 · 2.8K

So you've built a , but the aircraft for the diorama are slow going. What does one do with an ongoing diorama project taking up a corner of the basement? Make it into a backdrop for photo shoots.

Mr. Terry Davis gave me some models to repair so I made the repairs and the hangar Diorama provided the perfect backdrop for showcasing his marvelously detailed work.

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7  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. fabulous...tons of visual interest...nice and yellow piper whatever...a feast

  2. Craftsmanship at its' best...nice work, sir.

  3. Great work and photos!

  4. Beautiful work, G.

    Only nitpick I have is that I never worked in hangar that had a clock out on the floor! That was always in the foreman's office or in the breakroom so the coffee drinkers and clock watchers wouldn't spend all day looking at it. One of the guys I worked with put a clock in his toolbox so every couple of hours he could climb a stand and yell "Buuh..RAKETIME!"

  5. I had two clocks in the order, so I used them both. While the hanger clock provides a bit more illumination in the dim confines, it also provides a reminder that time is running out. The only place I ever worked with clocks in the hanger was at the Swearingen factory in San Antonio, where we built Merlin three and fours. I suppose this was so we could keep our production time schedules.

    Aircraft production is grueling, with one always waiting either for parts or rushing to get the bird out the door. I worked final assembly just before roll out, so I was right at the hanger door. We were always on the clock to get 'er rolled out the door to meet our production schedule.

    One of my jobs was to blow up the aircraft to test for leaks. I would have someone run the pressurizing unit outside while I moved around inside with a lit a cigarette. Guys outside would find the smoke and mark the leaks. After depressurizing the aircraft, I would seal leaks until achieving an acceptable leak down rate. The doors on the Merlin were the worst for leakage and frequently had to be reworked to get a proper seal.

    Speaking of aircraft production, I was amazed (but then I am always amazed by Herb) to find Herb and George Tischler have produced four Ki-43 "Oscars." I find it bizarre that more and more WWII aircraft are in the air everyday more than 70 years after war's end.

    But for the truly bizarre in flight, Kiwis take the cake with their WWI aircraft production. I cannot fathom producing designs over a hundred years old. Can you name any other designs from that era still in production? This especially true for the engines being produced. But then where else does one obtain a Mercedes for their new Albatros?

    Ponder the fact that very expensive warplanes are are being rebuilt and produced with no enemy to fight! Like this guy -

  6. Great idea of the hangar. Makes a great backdrop. Brilliant idea.

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