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gary sausmikat
79 articles

1/48 Arii FW-190

August 3, 2018 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.4K

Hi All, Love all the recent FW-190 postings, so I thought I'd add another Butcher Bird. Here's my kit I finished +/-20 years ago. Sorry, too many years ago to add any details about the construction. Keep on modeling!

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8  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Very nice looking aircraft Gary. I have yet to buy, let alone build an Arii kit

  2. Great model despite age/parentage. The markings look like the ones on the profile in that old Profile Publications edition on the FW 190 A series. Well done on an iconic Butcher bird.

  3. A nice little dio - old or not...I like it!

  4. Great work Gary. Excellent model and a very nice setting to place the Bird in.

  5. I built this exact same kit about 20 years ago when I returned to the hobby, (and it's painted incorrectly). I used an artists illustration as a reference for mine, and it has a lot of red markings on it.

    Yours looks a lot better than mine ever did ! I only build one other Arii kit, and it was the Ki-44... I don't recall any assembly or fit problems.

  6. This was the very first Fw-190 I built under the Otaki label. So that would be in the 70's. Good kit, simple but it was one of the first engraved panel lined kit I ever built. Good memories on a decent kit. Well done.

  7. Well done Gary, really like the base it's sitting on.

  8. Love the entire dio.

  9. Thanks everyone for the kind comments.

  10. Great finish to the butcher Bird. Mediteranean finish. Lovely Base

  11. Beautiful job, base and all! Very nice!


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