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Allan J Withers
201 articles

SZD 9 Bocian, VH-GFU, 2009.

September 1, 2018 · in Aviation · · 18 · 2.3K

1/72 , OOB in my own scheme with MM and Humbrol enamels, with Future over Hobycraft decals from the spares box.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Real nice ,Alan! something different too. looks like an older kit?

  2. Don't see these modeled often...nice job.

  3. Just love your models, Alan. This is no exception. Beautiful paint job as always. Nice to see something civilian every now ant then. Looks like it could have stayed up for ever and ever, a true beauty.

  4. Great job Alan, love the gliders.

  5. Allan, Very nice. So graceful looking. It does have a great vintage look.

  6. fine work Alan

  7. el·e·gant
    pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.

  8. Very nice! Don't see gliders very often.

  9. Thanks Greg, not that popular I guess !

  10. Really nice, Allan! I'm inspired to go ahead and build one of my PZW kits, even without photos to support. I later got a couple more of the same series, but this time under the label M&H Bracia Darscy. One feature of these kits was a somewhat crude representation of fabric sag between wing structure on the aft part of the wings. I don't see any sign of this on your pictures, did you putty these areas in?

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