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Brian Riedel
45 articles

1/48 Hasegawa P-38J

September 6, 2018 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2.5K

Did this one a long time ago.

Decals from Aeromaster for an 80th fg bird. True Detail wheels, Xtracolor gloss paints for the OD/Neutral Grey, Testors square bottle gloss green. At the time I did this, I didn't have any real reference material on the , so excuse the probably inaccurate bazooka mounting.

Brian Riedel

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. Nice forked tail devil!

  2. A nice P-38 - always one of my favorite schemes for the Lightning.

  3. Good work - love that scheme. 🙂

  4. beautiful piece of work

  5. Arguably one of the most colorful P 38's that served in the CBI-theater during WW II. This is the one P 38 which I regret not having in my stash. You did a stunning job on this one! Well done.

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