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Boris Grgić
40 articles

1/48 Hasegawa A-4M Skyhawk

November 6, 2018 · in Aviation · · 10 · 4.9K

As the title says, last month I spent with wonderful kit. Model is pretty much out of the box, except I added pilot figure from old "decomissioned" Revell's F-8 Crusader. The kit itself was fun and easy to assemble, only con is lack of any ordnance. Kit comes with external fuel tanks only. At first I was thinking to add some iron bombs lest from previous projects, but since I decided to make a look-alive kit, I did some research and found that landing with bombs on carrier deck is performed only exceptionally to prevent accidental explosion and stress to the wings. So I took what the basic kit had to offer and installed fuel tanks only. Front landing gear had to be shortened for about 0,5cm to mimic pressure on wheel's hydraulics, and that's the only modification I had to make.

Initially I wanted to imitate tire smoke, but due to glossy surface of carrier deck I decided to leave more cotton than planned. Whether it looks like rough landing or landing on a wet deck, it's up to observer to decide. Smoke is made from cosmetic cotton stolen from my wife.

Display base is Coastal Kits' carrier landing deck.

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

21 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Looks very authentic ! Hung ordinance [except for air to air stuff] is a definite hazard, Witnessed a zuni rocket leave its pod upon landing, watched as it danced off the angle deck.

  2. Very nice Boris. You captured the mist effect very well.

  3. A lively and lovely build, Boris. Feels and looks authentic, like it a lot!

  4. Nice work...I like it!

  5. Very nice! Skyhawk looks great, and the action setting really brings it to life.

  6. Great idea and build! Grat Boris!

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