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Daniel Johansson
5 articles

Sopwith F.1 Camel, Wingnut Wings, 1/32

November 28, 2018 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.3K

Finished another Wingnut kit, actually started building it about a year and a half ago, but due to some mishaps relating to me destroying decals it sat on the shelf of doom during a year. But I couldn't leave a kit like this there so the last months I pulled myself together and finished it.

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13  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Good result, Daniel. I remember their Roland and the lozenge wasn’t the standard water slide stuff but needed a hairdryer to settle it. Effectively it’s a vinyl surface.

    You’ve done a really nice job with this, a difficult kit.

  2. Asombroso el trabajo ! .Tanto el Camel como el Albatros DV son los aviones que más me gustan de la WW1,los he construido a escala 1/48 de Eduard.

    La pintura y los desgastes son francamente buenos,así como la base y el piloto pero el cableado es lo que más me fascina.

    No consigo en mis modelos un resultado tan bueno como el tuyo. ¿Quizás sean los materiales? .

    ¿ quizás las manos?.Yo utilizo hilo de nylon de 0,16 m.m. y tubo de latón para tensar las puntas pero no queda tan fino.

    Sigue haciendo biplanos encanta ver tus trabajos...un saludo Daniel

  3. We all go through those periods of frustration and self-doubt during builds. Good for you for pulling it off the shelf and finishing it. Great final result. Keep building.

  4. Great finish! these kits are so impressive in the right hands.

  5. Nice model and very nice figure.

  6. Beautifully done, Daniel! I love the pilot's pose ... very lifelike.

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