5 articles · 471 karma · 7 friends · active 4 years, 4 months ago

Like most modelers I picked up the hobby in my childhood only to stop as a teenager. Around 2010 I got myself a kit, glue and some paints and have since then spent countless hours at the bench. I mostly build military aircraft, but not exclusively.

Greetings from Sweden

Wingnut Wings 1/32 AMC DH.2 (Lanoe Hawker)

Re-box of WnW discontinued DH.2 kit, supplied with markings for Hawkers machine and includes a lovely resin cast of Hawker himself in the box. Fantastic kit, enjoyed every second of the build, from start to finish. Painted with acrylics [...]

" La curiosité est un vilain défaut"

Been working on this the last couple of months, got the idea while thinking about what I could do with the Meng FT-17 kit that I had in my stash, wanted a "reason" to display it with all hatches open. The title roughly translates [...]

Sopwith F.1 Camel, Wingnut Wings, 1/32

Finished another Wingnut kit, actually started building it about a year and a half ago, but due to some mishaps relating to me destroying decals it sat on the shelf of doom during a year. But I couldn't leave a kit like this there so the [...]

G.W.H 1/48, Su-35S “Flanker E”

Been a few years since I built a modern jet but when Great Wall Hobby released this kit I couldn't resist. Overall a great kit, some fit issues with the engine nozzles and the missiles that don't fit the pylons without some tweaking. [...]

Albatros D.V

New member here and as a first post I would like to share my latest completed model. It's a Wingnut Wings 1/32 kit of the Albatros D.V accompanied by figures from BlackDog. Not much to say about the kit, it is simply great. Built OOB with [...]