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Derek Matile
58 articles

Battleship Warspite

November 29, 2018 · in Ships · · 14 · 2.6K

I scratch built this a few years ago,but recently spent some time improving it a bit.The hull is carved from a block of Canadian pine,the rest is pine too.Just under 3000 pieces of wood to get it looking like this.1/300 scale

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8  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. My first thought was ”are you kidding me”. A ship of this complexity scratchbuilt in wood? Hats off to your skill and commitment, sir 🙂 I love it.

  2. A scratch built battleship!
    Hat off!

  3. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    Derek … that there is some very good eye popping wood work.
    Very clean work … great work.

  4. This one is amaizing too!
    Where do you hold your skills with wood from?
    Did your work have something To do with wood?
    Just curious...
    Cheers Derek and congrats!

    • Hi Kloster, I took it up as something to do when I retired 12 years ago.Never done it before.Never know what you’re capable of until you try. Thanks for the comment.

  5. Hi Derek,
    A pleasure to look at this well known battleship. Interesting to see the little deck house at the end of the ship. Regards, Dirk

  6. A magnificent model, and it's your first? WOW, just WOW! The quality of your work jumps out from the photos, really IMPRESSIVE!

    She is certainly much, much larger than my little 1:1536 scratch build of her 🙂 Very nice...DFO

    pic shows my then built RN BB models from a few years ago, a couple more since. Can you spot the little WARSPITE?

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

    • Morning Dennis,yes filth from the bottom right.Thanks for those kind words.It takes pride of place in my room. I also built a couple of water line Warspites,about 1/700 scale.

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