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Djordje Starcevic
21 articles

Messerschmitt Me 109 G-10 AZ Model 1:72

January 27, 2020 · in Aviation · · 9 · 2.9K

Hi to all

Finished Messerschmitt in little different livery.
Most of the Yugoslav Bf 109G-10/were captured planes at the end of the war, handed over to Bulgaria and finally delivered to Yugoslav Air Force.
White 45 was located at Pula airfield on 1950, and was flown on patrol sorties along the Italian frontier during the confrontation between Yugoslavia and Italy over the free zone of Trieste (one of the first cold war confrontation after WW2).
This plane is interesting because upper wings patriotic message written by pilot, meaning in rough translation "whoever invades our country will find his death in it".

About model in few words, standard AZ, lot of details, and unfortunately hard to put parts together. In few occasions, i stop working on this model, discouraged by lot of fit issues...but at the very well represent late model of this famous plane.
Paints, Humbrol, weathering Tamiya pastels and oil washes...added some details...big issue with canopy, and as i was not able to fix it i decided to cut canopy and display it in open position.

I hope you like the model, best regards to all

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12  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Love the model AND the history.

  2. Odličan, svidja mi se!
    Pozdrav od Šekija

  3. Thanks for sharing this. Great paintwork. 1/72 109s are tiny planes and I’m always drawn to good paint jobs on them.

  4. Nice story. Imagine seeing 109's still in 1950!

  5. Great work, a very colorful scheme. welcome aboard.

  6. A great-looking 109, and love the scheme.

  7. Interesting, welcome to iModeler Djordje.

  8. For all the issues you mentioned it really turned out very well. Welcome to iModeler

  9. Thank you all
    Best regards

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