Yom Kippur War…1/48 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21F-13, “Black Ravens” Egyptian Airforce

February 17, 2020 · in Aviation · · 3 · 3.7K

Like the Iraqi Su-7 this was built in 2016 too.
kit with decals, initially wanted to use the Pavla SK-1 seat but it didn´t fit well (was also too short) so my dad used the kit seat, only stole the seatbelts from an Eduard kit. Added the missing IFF antenna on the belly with plastic rods. Camo done with Tamiya XF-55 Deck Tan and XF-58 Olive Green, underside colour was an older selfmix. Couldn´t exactly tell which colour the cockpit had. Decided for the colourful turquoise, mixed 50:50 with Gunze H25 Sky Blue and H46 Emerald Green.

The model shows an a/c of the Egypt elite No.26 Squadron which was considered the best dogfighter unit in the EAF. This aircraft made it through the Six Day War and the War.
The Arab airforces still used this older type because the Atoll rockets were unreliable and the F-13 30mm gun was more potent than the 23mm gun of the other MiG-21 types.

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3 responses

  1. Nice looking Mig21!

  2. Always like a MiG 21 and the camouflage on this one really suits it.

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