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Spiros Pendedekas
161 articles

Mach2 1/72 Do-26 “Seefalke” Luftwaffe

March 16, 2020 · in Aviation · · 22 · 2.2K

Hi everyone!

This is my Do-26 that I did more than decade ago.

It is a fantastic looking flying boat. Only 6 were built. The Mach2 kit took some effort to put together with ever ending sanding and filling sessions. But it was done! It was finished in markings. The dolly was made from sheet styrene and some spare wheels. I hope you like it.

Happy modeling!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

22 responses

  1. A brave man! You don't see many Mach 2 kits completed, yours certainly looks nice!

  2. It really is the most elegant design of all of Claude Dornier’s hydroplanes. I don’t recall ever seeing one model made until now, bravo Spiros!

    • Such a lovely design indeed. Its rear engines would even tilt 10 degrees up during takeoff to avoid contact with water spray, can you imagine? Thanks for your supportive comments!

  3. I've never seen one of these before. You did an excellent job on it!

  4. A great build! Nice looking aircraft.

  5. Looks great! Is a very sleek-looking aircraft.

  6. That is a beautiful looking aircraft. Well done Sir


  7. Wow you finished a Mach 2 kit ! that in itself is an achievement and to make such a good job as well , great job.

  8. Apart from the turret on the nose, this is one sleek bird! Never heard of it. I like how the Germans had the floats retract into the wings. Thought it was just Blom&Voss, but it is present here too! (The floats on the Saunders Roe SR.A/1 were pretty trick as well.) Great result for your efforts!

    • This type of floats was a first for Dornier. Their other designs typically - and famously

      • sported "water-wing" sponsons extending from the lower hull for lateral stabilization. Thank you very much for your comments, Josh. I'm glad you liked my model!
  9. "The Mach 2 kit took some effort..." Ha ha - understatement of the year!

    Really nice result and congratulations on defeating this kit's best efforts to stymie you.

    • It was some experience...Nothing seemed to fit! The surfaces were rough, sort of orange peel feeling. The transparencies were foggyish and so on. Yet, for a mysterious yet understandable reason this kit was begging me to build it. Thank you very much Tom! I'm glad you liked it.

  10. Great work on the Mach2 kit Spiros, I know what they are like 🙁

    The Do26 was indeed a beautiful flying boat, although I think it looked even better in its civilian Lufthansa colours 🙂

    • Totally agree with you Peter. Indeed in its civilian markings it looked even better and I should have done it like this...I cannot say I wiil easily do another in the future, I think one Mach2 Do-26 is enough...
      Thanks for your comments!

  11. Great build and scratch addition, Spiros. Keep 'em coming mate!

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