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Robert Royes
257 articles

1963 Corvette Stingray, 'route 66',1/24 Revell.

June 9, 2020 · in Automotive · · 10 · 2K

And now for something that doesn't shoots, fires at or blows up things. One of the coolest TV shows on in the early 1960's was 'route 66', it had two guys driving across the America[and Canada] in a , working at odd jobs and interacting with the people they met along the way. Shot in black and white, It ran for four years, Chevrolet provided a new model Vette for most of the seasons. The kit is a quick build, I used Tamiya TS-58 pearl light blue for the body, and MM 1942 dark tan for the interior.

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8  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. I remember the first time I saw a '63 Stingray in a dealer's showroom in San Francisco the fall of 1962. whoa! Unlike anything ever before!

    You've definitely done a good job of recreating that.

  2. Nicely done Robert.

  3. Great build of an adorable car, Robert!

  4. Arguably the best looking Corvette ever! Classic lines and shape that personified American muscle cars. You did an awesome job on this one. It really looks great!

  5. One of the best looking Vette's Robert. Cool show as well, nicely done.

  6. terrific job

  7. Great job Robert and nice presentation. Vaguely remember that show.

  8. Living on Route 66 here in Oklahoma, I appreciate the history! Nice looking classic vette for sure, even though it's wingless!

  9. I’ve never seen the show but you’ve made a lovely Corvette, just the thing to take our minds off all those military subjects.

  10. Great looking Vette

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