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Robert Royes
258 articles

F-4C 557th, TFS, 12th TFW Cam Runh Bay South Vietnam. 1/72 ESCI.

October 1, 2020 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2.7K

Inspired by Greg Kittingers world of Phantoms builds and his Dads Phabulous pictures, I sought out and found an old Microscale sheet that included a selection of 12th Tactical Fighter Wing F-4C's. The decals were some what fragile and had to be handled gingerly. The kit is the old kit.

The selection I picked is a F-4C of 557th TFS "Hells Angel" 40665, which apparently visited VMFA-323s [probably Danang or Chu Lai] flight line long enough to to be zapped with a Death Rattlers decal on the rear of the fuselage. Zapping was quite common, woe be the pilot if his aircraft was parked to long in transient on some other flight line, giving the gremlins of the night an opportunity to zap said aircraft.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Well done Robert, looks good, I like it !

  2. Nice work, Robert. Esci Phantoms are great kits, in both 1/72 and 1/48.

  3. You brought up an excellent model out of the "classic" (sic) Esci kit, Robert @roofrat.
    Looks amazing, like all your F-4sI've seen.

  4. Always good to see another Phantom, especially a fellow Cam Ranh Bay Rhino! Nicely done.

  5. Great build, Robert.
    Such an impressive plane.

  6. Nice looking Phantom Robert, I like her.

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