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1/35 Tamiya T-55

October 17, 2020 · in Armor · · 4 · 2.1K

This is my done in the colours used by the Zimbabwe army. Several of these were delivered to Rhodesia by South Africa. At the time they were in Lybian camouflage as they were confiscated by the SA customs when the ship they were on put into Durban harbour. They were on their way to Uganda.

The Rhodesians never put the 44 gallon drums on the rear, instead used the arms fro carrying tarpaulin.

The tarp is tissue paper rolled up then glued using watered down white glue. This caused it to crease like a proper tarp. Once dry I painted it a base colour, then dry brushed other colours on to it. It is tied on with black cotton thread.

The camo net was cut from an old net curtain. Rolled up, painted and tied in place.

I still need to weather the tank.

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8  Awesome

12 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. That's one of those "learn something new" models. Nice work!

  2. Another of your great builds, Phillip!
    I liked your tarp depiction technique!
    Very unusual and great looking camo!

  3. Excellent work on this tank.

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